Gemini offers both public and private REST APIs.
Public REST APIs provide market data such as:
- current order book
- recent trading activity
- trade history
Private REST APIs allow you to manage both orders and funds:
- place and cancel orders
- see your active orders
- see your trading history and trade volume
- get your available balances
Gemini's sandbox site is an instance of the Gemini Exchange that offers full exchange functionality using test funds.
- Gemini has an automated system that makes trades on the exchange to simulate normal exchange activity
- all funds are for testing purposes. Only Testnet BTC deposits and withdrawals are supported.
Sandbox URLs
WebSocket Feed
Create your account
Go to the sandbox site to register for a test account to begin trading.
- use the website to get comfortable trading on Gemini
- use the API to validate your trading systems before deploying them against the real Gemini exchange
Your account will automatically be credited with USD, BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, OXT, LINK, BAT and DAI. You may use these funds to trade, both through the web site and through the API.
Gemini's sandbox site does not support either depositing or withdrawing your test funds, which can only be used to trade on the sandbox exchange.
Sandbox does not support email notifications. If you need this as part of your testing plan, please contact
If you have any issues, or if you need to adjust your balances (to test insufficient funds handling, for example), contact
Two Factor Authentication
Two factor authentication ("2FA") is enabled by default for all sandbox accounts. To disable 2FA for automated testing, please do the following:
- At the Authy 2FA entry screen, set a cookie or an HTTP header with the name GEMINI-SANDBOX-2FA. The value doesn’t matter.
- Enter 9999999 as your 2FA code
Rate Limits
To prevent abuse, Gemini imposes rate limits on incoming requests as described in the Gemini API Agreement.
For public API entry points, we limit requests to 120 requests per minute, and recommend that you do not exceed 1 request per second.
For private API entry points, we limit requests to 600 requests per minute, and recommend that you not exceed 5 requests per second.
How are rate limits applied?
When requests are received at a rate exceeding X requests per minute, we offer a "burst" rate of five additional requests that are queued but their processing is delayed until the request rate falls below the defined rate.
When you exceed the rate limit for a group of endpoints, you will receive a 429
Too Many Requests HTTP status response until your request rate drops back under the required limit.
Example: 600 requests per minute is ten requests per second, meaning one request every 0.1 second.
If you send 20 requests in close succession over two seconds, then you could expect:
- the first ten requests are processed
- the next five requests are queued
- the next five requests receive a 429 response, meaning the rate limit for this group of endpoints has been exceeded
- any further incoming request immediately receive a 429 response
- after a short period of inactivity, the five queued requests are processed
- following that, incoming requests begin to be processed at the normal rate again
Use WebSocket Endpoints
Polling Order Status API endpoints may be subject to rate limiting: Gemini recommends using WebSocket API to get market data and realtime information about your orders and trades.
Information you want | How to get it through the WebSocket API |
Your trade notifictions | Order Events: Filled |
All trade notifcations | Market Data: Trade event |
Your active orders |
The status of an active order | A subscription to Order Events will provide you will all your active orders followed by realtime updates to order status. Maintain local state and look up the status of your order there. |
All active orders | Market Data: Change Event |
Batch cancels
If you want to cancel a group of orders, instead of making multiple Cancel Order requests, use one of Gemini's batch cancel endpoints:
Then use your Order Events WebSocket subscription to watch for notifications of:
- Order Events: Cancelled followed by Order Events: Closed
- under certain circumstances, a Order Events: Cancel Rejected event containing a
field explaining why the exchange could not fulfil your cancel request
There are two types of APIs below, the public ones and the private ones, which are subdivided into order placement, order status, and account status.
Public API invocation
Public APIs are accessible via GET, and the parameters for the request are included in the query string.
Private API invocation
Payload creation
"request": "/v1/order/status",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"order_id": 18834
Whitespace is valid JSON, so it is ignored by the server, and may be included if desired. The hashes are always taken on the base64 string directly, with no normalization, so whatever is sent in the payload is what should be hashed, and what the server will verify.
~$ base64 << EOF
> {
> "request": "/v1/order/status",
> "nonce": 123456,
> "order_id": 18834
> }
encoded_payload = json.dumps(payload)
b64 = base64.b64encode(encoded_payload)
In this example, the
echo -n 'ewogICAgInJlcXVlc3QiOiAiL3YxL29yZGVyL3N0YXR1cyIsCiAgICAibm9uY2UiOiAxMjM0NTYsCgogICAgIm9yZGVyX2lkIjogMTg4MzQKfQo=' | openssl sha384 -hmac "1234abcd"
(stdin)= 337cc8b4ea692cfe65b4a85fcc9f042b2e3f702ac956fd098d600ab15705775017beae402be773ceee10719ff70d710f
gemini_api_secret = "1234abcd"
signature =, b64, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()
The final request will look like this:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
--header 'Content-Length: 0' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'X-GEMINI-APIKEY: mykey' \
--header 'X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD: ewogICAgInJlcXVlc3QiOiAiL3YxL29yZGVyL3N0YXR1cyIsCiAgICAibm9uY2UiOiAxMjM0NTYsCgogICAgIm9yZGVyX2lkIjogMTg4MzQKfQo=' \
--header 'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE: 337cc8b4ea692cfe65b4a85fcc9f042b2e3f702ac956fd098d600ab15705775017beae402be773ceee10719ff70d710f'
import requests
import json
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib
import time
url = ""
gemini_api_key = "mykey"
gemini_api_secret = "1234abcd".encode()
payload_nonce = time.time()
payload = {"request": "/v1/mytrades", "nonce": payload_nonce}
encoded_payload = json.dumps(payload).encode()
b64 = base64.b64encode(encoded_payload)
signature =, b64, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()
request_headers = {
'Content-Type': "text/plain",
'Content-Length': "0",
'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': gemini_api_key,
'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': signature,
'Cache-Control': "no-cache"
response =, headers=request_headers)
my_trades = response.json()
Which produces these HTTP headers
POST /v1/mytrades
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE: 337cc8b4ea692cfe65b4a85fcc9f042b2e3f
Gemini uses API keys to allow access to private APIs. You can obtain these by logging on and creating a key in Settings/API. This will give you both an "API Key" that will serve as your user name, and an "API Secret" that you will use to sign messages.
All requests must contain a nonce. When provisioning a session key, you have the option of selecting "Uses a time based nonce". If this option is selected, the nonce, which must be in seconds, has to be within +/- 30 seconds of Unix Epoch timestamp to be deemed valid.
If you do not choose the option of a time based nonce, then the nonce has to be a number that will never be repeated and must increase between requests. This is to prevent an attacker who has captured a previous request from simply replaying that request. We recommend using a timestamp at millisecond or higher precision. The nonce need only be increasing with respect to the session that the message is on.
A single account may have multiple API keys provisioned. In this document, we'll refer to these as "sessions". All orders will be recorded with the session that created them. The nonce associated with a request needs to be increasing with respect to the session that the nonce is used on.
This allows multithreaded or distributed trading systems to place orders independently of each other, without needing to synchronize clocks to avoid race conditions.
In addition, some operations (such as Cancel All Session Orders
) act on the orders associated with a specific session.
Require Heartbeat
When provisioning a session key you have the option of marking the session as "Requires Heartbeat". The intention here is to specify that if connectivity to the exchange is lost for any reason, then all outstanding orders on this session should be canceled.
If this option is selected for a session, then if the exchange does not receive a message for 30 seconds, then it will assume there has been an interruption in service, and cancel all outstanding orders. To maintain the session, the trading system should send a heartbeat message at a more frequent interval. We suggest at most 15 seconds between heartbeats.
The heartbeat message is provided for convenience when there is no trading activity. Any authenticated API call will reset the 30 second clock, even if explicit heartbeats are not sent.
This feature is often referred to as "Cancel on Disconnect" on connection-oriented exchange protocols.
The payload of the requests will be a JSON object, which will be described in the documentation below. Rather than being sent as the body of the POST request, it will be base-64 encoded and stored as a header in the request.
All of them will include the request name and the nonce associated with the request.
Header | Value |
Content-Length | 0 |
Content-Type | text/plain |
X-GEMINI-APIKEY | Your Gemini API key |
X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD | The base64-encoded JSON payload |
X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE | hex(HMAC_SHA384(base64(payload), key=api_secret)) |
Cache-Control | no-cache |
Master API Key
A group that contains multiple accounts can provision a Master API key. Master API keys offer the convenience of invoking any account API on behalf of an account within that group. To invoke an API on behalf of an account, add that account's nickname as an account
parameter to your request payload.
Master API keys are formatted with a prepending master-
, while account level API keys are formatted with a prepending account-
The account
parameter may be used on any API that performs an action for or against a single account.
Example of adding the account parameter to an API call, in this case New Order
"request": "/v1/order/new",
"account": "my-trading-account",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"client_order_id": <client_order_id>,
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "5",
"price": "3633.00",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit"
Example of error response due to API key missing a role
"message":"To access this endpoint, you need to log in to the website and go to the settings page to assign one of these roles [FundManager] to API key wujB3szN54gtJ4QDhqRJ which currently has roles [Trader]"
Gemini uses a role-based system for private API endpoints so that you can separate privileges for your API keys.
By assigning different roles to different API keys, you can create
- one API key that can trade, and
- another API key that can withdraw digital assets, or
- an API key to have access to read-only endpoints
You can configure which roles are assigned to your API keys by logging in to the Gemini Exchange website and going to API Settings to configure your API keys.
If you try to access an endpoint that requires a role you did not assign to your API key, you will get back a response with:
status- a JSON response body with
set toMissingRole
, andmessage
explaining what role you need to add to your API key to use this endpoint
See Error Codes for more information about API error responses.
Assigning the Administrator role to an API key allows this API key to:
- Create accounts within the Master Group
- View accounts within the Master Group
Assigning the Trader role to an API key allows this API key to:
- Check balances
- Place and cancel orders
- Check the status of orders
- See all deposit addresses
- See all active orders
- See your trade history and volume
- View accounts within the Master Group
Fund Manager
Assigning the Fund Manager role to an API key allows this API key to:
- Check balances
- See all deposit addresses
- Request new cryptocurrency deposit addresses
- Withdraw cryptocurrency funds
- View accounts within the Master Group
- Execute internal transfers between two accounts within the same Master group
Assigning the Auditor role to an API key allows this API key to:
- Check balances
- Check the status of orders
- See transfers such as deposits and withdrawals
- See all deposit addresses
- See all active orders
- See trade volume
- See past trades
- View accounts within the Master Group
Endpoint summary
Here's a summary of which role you need to assign to your API key to use each endpoint in the API:
Account Scoped Endpoints
Endpoint | URI | Trader can access? | Fund Manager can access? | Auditor can access? |
New Order | /v1/order/new |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Cancel Order | /v1/order/cancel |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Cancel All Session Orders | /v1/order/cancel/session |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Cancel All Active Orders | /v1/order/cancel/all |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Wrap Order | /v1/wrap/:symbol |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Order Status | /v1/order/status |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Get Active Orders | /v1/orders |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Get Past Trades | /v1/mytrades |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Get Orders History | /v1/orders/history |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Get Trade Volume | /v1/tradevolume |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Get Notional Volume | /v1/notionalvolume |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Heartbeat | /v1/heartbeat |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Get Available Balances | /v1/balances |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Get Notional Balances | v1/notionalbalances/:currency |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Get Deposit Addresses | /v1/addresses/:network |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
New Deposit Address | /v1/deposit/:network/newAddress |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
Transfers | /v1/transfers |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Custody Account Fees | /v1/custodyaccountfees |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Withdraw Crypto Funds | /v1/withdraw/:currency |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
New Clearing Order | /v1/clearing/new |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Clearing Order Status | /v1/clearing/status |
✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Cancel Clearing Order | /v1/clearing/cancel |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Confirm Clearing Order | /v1/clearing/confirm |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Clearing Order List | /v1/clearing/list |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Clearing Broker List | /v1/clearing/broker/list |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Clearing Trades | /v1/clearing/trades |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Get Instant Quote | /v1/instant/quote/:side/:symbol |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Execute Instant Order | /v1/instant/execute |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Add A Bank | /v1/payments/addbank |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
Add A Bank CAD | /v1/payments/addbank/cad |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
View Payment Methods | /v1/payments/methods |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Account Detail | /v1/account |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Create Approved Address | /v1/approvedAddresses/:network/request |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
View Approved Address List | /v1/approvedAddresses/account/:network |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Remove Address from Approved Address List | /v1/approvedAddresses/:network/remove |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
FX Rate | /v2/fxrate/:symbol/:timestamp |
✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Master Scoped Endpoints
Endpoint | URI | Administrator can access? | Trader can access? | Fund Manager can access? | Auditor can access? |
Create Account | /v1/account/create |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Rename Account | /v1/account/rename |
✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Get Accounts | /v1/account/list |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Internal Transfer | /v1/account/transfer/:currency |
✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
Transactions | /v1/transactions |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Roles Endpoint
HTTP Request
The v1/roles
endpoint will return a string of the role of the current API key. The response fields will be different for account-level and master-level API keys.
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/roles"
Successful response for account-scoped key
"counterparty_id": EMONNYXJ,
"isAuditor": False,
"isFundManager": True,
"isTrader": True
Successful response for master-scoped key
"isAuditor": False,
"isFundManager": True,
"isTrader": True,
"isAccountAdmin": True
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | the literal string "/v1/roles" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
The response will be a JSON object indicating the assigned roles to the set of API keys used to call /v1/roles
. The Auditor
role cannot be combined with other roles. Fund Manager
and Trader
can be combined.
Field | Type | Description |
counterparty_id | string | Only returned for master-level API keys. The Gemini clearing counterparty ID associated with the API key making the request. |
isAuditor | boolean | True if the Auditor role is assigned to the API keys. False otherwise. |
isFundManager | boolean | True if the Fund Manager role is assigned to the API keys. False otherwise. |
isTrader | boolean | True if the Trader role is assigned to the API keys. False otherwise. |
isAccountAdmin | boolean | Only returned for master-level API keys. True if the Administrator role is assigned to the API keys. False otherwise. |
Please use our Sandbox environment to develop and test your code.
If your private API request is failing, turn on debug logging so you can print out:
- the full headers of the HTTP request that you are sending
- the HTTP status code of the response
- the full content of the HTTP response
Make sure that you are not sending the JSON as the POST
If you receive a 400
error that you are missing required data, then copy the base64 encoded string in X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD
to a base64 decoder such as and decode it. Compare the decoded JSON to the documentation for the endpoint you are trying to access.
If you are receiving a 429
response, then see Rate Limits.
If you still have a problem then contact with the following information:
- Which environment did you try to make the request in, production or sandbox?
- What is your API key?
- What URL were you trying to hit?
- What IP address did you make the request from?
- What date and time (including time zone) did you try to make the request?
Please make sure to include:
- your HTTP request headers
- the full JSON response from the server
If you leave any of this information out, the response to your support request may be delayed.
Client Order ID
Order Event subscription Accepted event showing client_order_id
[ {
"type" : "accepted",
"order_id" : "372456298",
"event_id" : "372456299",
"client_order_id": "20170208_example",
"api_session" : "AeRLptFXoYEqLaNiRwv8",
"symbol" : "btcusd",
"side" : "buy",
"order_type" : "exchange limit",
"timestamp" : "1478203017",
"timestampms" : 1478203017455,
"is_live" : true,
"is_cancelled" : false,
"is_hidden" : false,
"avg_execution_price" : "0",
"original_amount" : "14.0296",
"price" : "1059.54"
} ]
Order Status endpoint for the same order, showing client_order_id
"avg_execution_price": "0.00",
"client_order_id": "20170208_example",
"exchange": "gemini",
"executed_amount": "0",
"id": "372456298",
"is_cancelled": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"is_live": true,
"order_id": "372456298",
"original_amount": "14.0296",
"price": "1059.54",
"remaining_amount": "14.0296",
"side": "buy",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"timestamp": "1478203017",
"timestampms": 1478203017455,
"type": "exchange limit",
"was_forced": false
Client order ID is a client-supplied order identifier that Gemini will echo back to you in all subsequent messages about that order.
Although this identifier is optional, Gemini strongly recommends supplying client_order_id
when placing orders using the New Order endpoint.
This makes it easy to track the Order Events: Accepted and Order Events: Booked responses in your Order Events WebSocket subscription.
Your client order ids are only visible to the Gemini exchange and you. They are never visible on any public API endpoints.
Gemini recommends that your client order IDs should be unique per trading session.
Allowed characters
Your client order ids should match against this PCRE regular expression: [:\-_\.#a-zA-Z0-9]{1,100}
Characters | Description | ASCII Codes (Dec) |
A-Z |
Uppercase A-Z | 65 - 90 |
a-z |
Lowercase a-z | 97 - 122 |
0-9 |
Digits | 48 - 57 |
# |
Hash, octothorpe, number sign | 35 |
- |
Hyphen | 45 |
. |
Period | 46 |
: |
Colon | 58 |
_ |
Underscore | 95 |
Client Transfer ID
Client transfer ID is an optional client-supplied unique identifier for each withdrawal or internal transfer.
Although this identifier is optional, it is useful for preventing submission of duplicate withdrawal or internal transfers.
Data Types
The protocol description below will contain references to various types, which are collected here for reference
Type | Description |
string | A simple quoted string, following standard JSON rules; see the JSON spec for details. |
decimal | A decimal value, encoded in a JSON string. The contents will be a series of digits, followed by an optional decimal point and additional digits. |
timestamp | The number of seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC. This is usually provided for compatibility; implementors should use the more precise timestampms when available. When used as an input, either the millisecond or second precision is usable; this is unambiguous for dates past 1/29/1970 |
timestampms | The number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC. The begin date is the standard UNIX epoch, so this will be 1000 times the UNIX timestamp in seconds. This will be transmitted as a JSON number, not a string. |
integer | An whole number, transmitted as a JSON number. |
boolean | A JSON boolean, the literal string true or false |
array | a JSON array. Each element contains a payload that will be described. |
The timestamp data type describes a date and time as a whole number in Unix Time format, as the number of seconds or milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC.
When timestamp is supplied as a request parameter, the following two values are supported in order of preference:
- The number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC
- The number of seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC (unix epoch)
For your convenience, a POST
request may supply the timestamp
parameter in a JSON payload as a string instead of a number.
Timestamp format | example | Supported request type |
whole number (seconds) | 1495127793 |
string (seconds) | "1495127793" |
POST only |
whole number (milliseconds) | 1495127793000 |
string (milliseconds) | "1495127793000" |
POST only |
If the timestamp
parameter is not present, the default behavior is to return the most recent items in the list. For example, the public Trade History endpoint will return the most recent trades without a timestamp
The first trade on Gemini occurred at 1444311607801
milliseconds. Any request for a timestamp value before this is the same as requesting the very first item in the list.
You may choose to supply a timestamp of 0
to get the first trade in the list when retrieving trades historically.
If unable to parse your timestamp
value, the exchange will return an InvalidTimestampInPayload
In a JSON response, the key
denotes the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 UTCtimestampms
denotes the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC
For backwards compatibility, some but not all timestamp values will be supplied in seconds.
Basis Point
We calculate fees as a fraction of the notional value of each trade (i.e., price × amount). We use units of basis points (“bps”), which represent 1/100th of a percent of notional value. For example, a fee of 25 bps means that 0.25% of the denominated value of the trade will be kept by our exchange, either deducted from the gross proceeds of a trade or charged to the account at the time a trade is executed. Any fees will be applied at the time an order is placed. For partially filled orders, only the executed portion is subject to trading fees.
For more information see Fee Calculation.
Symbols and minimums
Symbols are formatted as CCY1CCY2
where prices are in CCY2
and quantities are in CCY1
. CCY1
is in the Currency
column and CCY2
is in the respective CCY2 Price Increment
Symbol | Minimum Order Size | Tick Size | Quote Currency Price Increment |
btcusd | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 USD |
btceur | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 EUR |
btcgbp | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 GBP |
btcsgd | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 SGD |
ethbtc | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) |
ethusd | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 USD |
etheur | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 EUR |
ethgbp | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 GBP |
ethsgd | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 SGD |
bchusd | 0.001 BCH (1e-3) | 0.000001 BCH (1e-6) | 0.01 USD |
ltcusd | 0.01 LTC (1e-2) | 0.00001 LTC (1e-5) | 0.01 USD |
ltcbtc | 0.01 LTC (1e-2) | 0.00001 LTC (1e-5) | 0.0000001 BTC (1e-7) |
ltceth | 0.01 LTC (1e-2) | 0.00001 LTC (1e-5) | 0.00001 ETH (1e-5) |
batusd | 1.0 BAT (1e0) | 0.000001 BAT (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
daiusd | 0.1 DAI (1e-1) | 0.000001 DAI (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
linkusd | 0.1 LINK (1e-1) | 0.000001 LINK (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
oxtusd | 1.0 OXT (1e0) | 0.000001 OXT (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
linkbtc | 0.1 LINK (1e-1) | 0.000001 LINK (1e-6) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) |
linketh | 0.1 LINK (1e-1) | 0.000001 LINK (1e-6) | 0.0000001 ETH (1e-7) |
ampusd | 10.0 AMP (1e1) | 0.000001 AMP (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
compusd | 0.001 COMP (1e-3) | 0.000001 COMP (1e-6) | 0.01 USD |
paxgusd | 0.0001 PAXG (1e-4) | 0.00000001 PAXG (1e-8) | 0.01 USD |
mkrusd | 0.001 MKR (1e-3) | 0.000001 MKR (1e-6) | 0.01 USD |
zrxusd | 0.1 ZRX (1e-1) | 0.000001 ZRX (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
manausd | 1.0 MANA (1e0) | 0.000001 MANA (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
storjusd | 0.1 STORJ (1e-1) | 0.000001 STORJ (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
crvusd | 0.1 CRV (1e-1) | 0.000001 CRV (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
uniusd | 0.01 UNI (1e-2) | 0.000001 UNI (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
renusd | 0.01 REN (1e-2) | 0.000001 REN (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
umausd | 0.01 UMA (1e-2) | 0.000001 UMA (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
yfiusd | 0.00001 YFI (1e-5) | 0.000001 YFI (1e-6) | 0.01 USD |
aaveusd | 0.001 AAVE (1e-3) | 0.000001 AAVE (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
filusd | 0.1 FIL (1e-1) | 0.000001 FIL (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
sklusd | 0.1 SKL (1e-1) | 0.000001 SKL (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
grtusd | 0.1 GRT (1e-1) | 0.000001 GRT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
lrcusd | 0.1 LRC (1e-1) | 0.000001 LRC (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
sandusd | 0.1 SAND (1e-1) | 0.000001 SAND (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
cubeusd | 0.01 CUBE (1e-2) | 0.000001 CUBE (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
lptusd | 0.001 LPT (1e-3) | 0.000001 LPT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
maticusd | 0.1 MATIC (1e-1) | 0.000001 MATIC (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
injusd | 0.01 INJ (1e-2) | 0.000001 INJ (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
sushiusd | 0.01 SUSHI (1e-2) | 0.000001 SUSHI (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
dogeusd | 0.1 DOGE (1e-1) | 0.000001 DOGE (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
ftmusd | 0.03 FTM (3e-2) | 0.000001 FTM (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
ankrusd | 0.1 ANKR (1e-1) | 0.000001 ANKR (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
btcgusd | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 GUSD |
ethgusd | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 GUSD |
ctxusd | 0.002 CTX (2e-3) | 0.000001 CTX (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
xtzusd | 0.02 XTZ (2e-2) | 0.000001 XTZ (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
axsusd | 0.003 AXS (3e-3) | 0.000001 AXS (1e-6) | 0.01 USD (1e-2) |
dogebtc | 1.0 DOGE (1e0) | 0.00000001 DOGE (1e-8) | 0.000000001 BTC (1e-9) |
dogeeth | 1.0 DOGE (1e0) | 0.00000001 DOGE (1e-8) | 0.00000001 ETH (1e-8) |
rareusd | 0.1 RARE (1e-1) | 0.000001 RARE (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
qntusd | 0.0004 QNT (4e-4) | 0.000001 QNT (1e-6) | 0.01 USD (1e-2) |
maskusd | 0.01 MASK (1e-2) | 0.000001 MASK (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
fetusd | 0.1 FET (1e-1) | 0.000001 FET (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
api3usd | 0.03 API3 (3e-2) | 0.000001 API3 (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
usdcusd | 0.1 USDC (1e-1) | 0.000001 USDC (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
shibusd | 1000.0 SHIB (1e3) | 0.000001 SHIB (1e-6) | 0.000000001 USD (1e-9) |
rndrusd | 0.02 RNDR (2e-2) | 0.000001 RNDR (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
galausd | 0.4 GALA (4e-1) | 0.000001 GALA (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
ensusd | 0.002 ENS (2e-3) | 0.000001 ENS (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
ldousd | 0.02 LDO (2e-2) | 0.000001 LDO (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
solusd | 0.001 SOL (1e-3) | 0.000001 SOL (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
apeusd | 0.02 APE (2e-2) | 0.000001 APE (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
gusdsgd | 0.1 GUSD | 0.000001 GUSD (1e-6) | 0.001 SGD (1e-3) |
chzusd | 0.5 CHZ (5e-1) | 0.000001 CHZ (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
jamusd | 10.0 JAM (1e1) | 0.000001 JAM (1e-6) | 0.0000001 USD (1e-7) |
gmtusd | 0.1 GMT (1e-1) | 0.000001 GMT (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
aliusd | 2.0 ALI (2e0) | 0.000001 ALI (1e-6) | 0.000001 USD (1e-6) |
gusdgbp | 0.1 GUSD | 0.0001 GUSD (1e-4) | 0.001 GBP (1e-3) |
dotusd | 0.01 DOT (1e-2) | 0.000001 DOT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
ernusd | 0.05 ERN (5e-2) | 0.000001 ERN (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
elonusd | 60000.0 ELON (6e4) | 0.000001 ELON (1e-6) | 0.00000000001 USD (1e-11) |
galusd | 0.04 GAL (4e-2) | 0.000001 GAL (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
samousd | 10.0 SAMO (1e+1) | 0.000001 SAMO (1e-6) | 0.0000001 USD (1e-7) |
imxusd | 0.1 IMX (1e-1) | 0.000001 IMX (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
iotxusd | 3.0 IOTX (3e+0) | 0.000001 IOTX (1e-6) | 0.000001 USD (1e-6) |
avaxusd | 0.005 AVAX (5e-3) | 0.000001 AVAX (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
atomusd | 0.01 ATOM (1e-2) | 0.000001 ATOM (1e-6) | 0.001 USD (1e-3) |
usdtusd* | 0.1 USDT (1e-1) | 0.000001 USDT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
btcusdt* | 0.00001 BTC (1e-5) | 0.00000001 BTC (1e-8) | 0.01 USDT (1e-2) |
ethusdt* | 0.001 ETH (1e-3) | 0.000001 ETH (1e-6) | 0.01 USDT (1e-2) |
pepeusd | 1000 PEPE (1e3) | 0.000001 PEPE (1e-6) | 0.000000001 USD (1e-9) |
xrpusd | 0.1 XRP (1e-1) | 0.000001 XRP (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
hntusd | 0.04 HNT (4e-1) | 0.000001 HNT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
wifusd | 0.07 WIF (7e-2) | 0.000001 WIF (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
bonkusd | 4000 BONK (4e3) | 0.000001 BONK (1e-6) | 0.000000001 USD (1e-9) |
popcatusd | 0.07 POPCAT (7e-2) | 0.000001 POPCAT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
opusd | 0.07 OP (7e-2) | 0.000001 OP (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
moodengusd | 1 MOODENG (1) | 0.000001 MOODENG (1e-6) | 0.000001 USD (1e-6) |
pnutusd | 0.2 PNUT (2e-1) | 0.0001 PNUT (1e-4) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
goatusd | 0.1 GOAT (1e-1) | 0.000001 GOAT (1e-6) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
mewusd | 10 MEW (1e1) | 0.01 MEW (1e-2) | 0.000001 USD (1e-6) |
bomeusd | 10 BOME (1e1) | 0.01 BOME (1e-2) | 0.000001 USD (1e-6) |
flokiusd | 400 FLOKI (4e2) | 0.000001 FLOKI (1e-6) | 0.0000001 USD (1e-7) |
pythusd | 0.2 PYTH (2e-2) | 0.000001 PYTH (1e-6) | 0.00001 USD (1e-5) |
chillguyusd | 0.5 CHILLGUY (5e-1) | 0.01 CHILLGUY (1e-2) | 0.0001 USD (1e-4) |
*Note: Not available to trade for customers in New York
All Supported Symbols
Precision on the exchange
Quantity and price on incoming orders are strictly held to the minimums and increments on the table shown above.
However, once on the exchange, quantities and notional values may exhibit additional precision down to two decimal places past the "minimum order increment" listed above. For instance, it is possible that a btcusd
trade could execute for a quantity of 0.0000000001 (1e-10) BTC. This is due to:
- incoming market orders that may result in partial fills
- fees
- holds
This additional precision is marketable once on the exchange.
Your account balances are maintained to full fractional precision in each currency.
Public Endpoints
$ curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/symbols")
symbols = response.json()
This endpoint retrieves all available symbols for trading
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
An array of supported symbols. The full list of supported symbols:
Symbols |
JSON response
Symbol Details
$ curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/symbols/details/:symbol")
symbols = response.json()
This endpoint retrieves extra detail on supported symbols, such as minimum order size, tick size, quote increment and more.
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Values |
:symbol | String | Trading pair symbol | BTCUSD , etc. See symbols and minimums |
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The requested symbol. See symbols and minimums |
base_currency | string | CCY1 or the top currency. (ieBTC in BTCUSD ) |
quote_currency | string | CCY2 or the quote currency. (ie USD in BTCUSD ) |
tick_size | decimal | The number of decimal places in the base_currency . (ie 1e-8 ) |
quote_increment | decimal | The number of decimal places in the quote_currency (ie 0.01 ) |
min_order_size | string | The minimum order size in base_currency units (ie 0.00001 ) |
status | string | Status of the current order book. Can be open , closed , cancel_only , post_only , limit_only . |
wrap_enabled | boolean | When True , symbol can be wrapped using this endpoint: POST |
product_type | string | instrument type spot / swap -- where swap signifies perpetual swap . |
contract_type | string | vanilla / linear / inverse where vanilla is for spot while linear is for perpetual swap and inverse is a special case perpetual swap where the perpetual contract will be settled in base currency |
contract_price_currency | string | CCY2 or the quote currency for spot instrument (i.e. USD in BTCUSD ) Or collateral currency of the contract in case of perpetual swap instrument |
JSON response - Spot instrument response
"symbol": "BTCUSD",
"base_currency": "BTC",
"quote_currency": "USD",
"tick_size": 1E-8,
"quote_increment": 0.01,
"min_order_size": "0.00001",
"status": "open",
"wrap_enabled": false,
JSON response - Perpetual Swap instrument response
$ curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/nework/rbn")
network = response.json()
This endpoint retrieves the associated network for a requested token.
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Values |
:token | String | Token identifier | BTC , ETH , SOL etc. See symbols and minimums |
The response will be a JSON object:
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The requested token. |
network | array | Network of the requested token. |
JSON response
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/pubticker/btcusd")
btc_data = response.json()
$ curl ""
JSON response
"ask": "977.59",
"bid": "977.35",
"last": "977.65",
"volume": {
"BTC": "2210.505328803",
"USD": "2135477.463379586263",
"timestamp": 1483018200000
This endpoint retrieves information about recent trading activity for the symbol.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
bid | decimal | The highest bid currently available |
ask | decimal | The lowest ask currently available |
last | decimal | The price of the last executed trade |
volume | node (nested) | Information about the 24 hour volume on the exchange. See below |
The volume field will contain information about the 24 hour volume on the exchange. The volume is updated every five minutes based on a trailing 24-hour window of volume. It will have three fields
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | timestampms | The end of the 24-hour period over which volume was measured |
(price symbol, e.g. "USD") | decimal | The volume denominated in the price currency |
(quantity symbol, e.g. "BTC") | decimal | The volume denominated in the quantity currency |
Ticker V2
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/ticker/btcusd")
btc_data = response.json()
$ curl ""
JSON response
"symbol": "BTCUSD",
"open": "9121.76",
"high": "9440.66",
"low": "9106.51",
"close": "9347.66",
"changes": [
"bid": "9345.70",
"ask": "9347.67"
This endpoint retrieves information about recent trading activity for the provided symbol.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Base url can be changed to
for test purposes.
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
symbol |
string | BTCUSD etc. |
open |
decimal | Open price from 24 hours ago |
high |
decimal | High price from 24 hours ago |
low |
decimal | Low price from 24 hours ago |
close |
decimal | Close price (most recent trade) |
changes |
array of decimals | Hourly prices descending for past 24 hours |
-- | decimal | Close price for each hour |
bid |
decimal | Current best bid |
ask |
decimal | Current best offer |
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/candles/btcusd/15m")
btc_candle_data = response.json()
$ curl ""
JSON response
This endpoint retrieves time-intervaled data for the provided symbol.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Values |
:symbol | String | Trading pair symbol | BTCUSD , etc. See symbols and minimums |
:time_frame | String | Time range for each candle | 1m : 1 minute |
5m : 5 minutes |
15m : 15 minutes |
30m : 30 minutes |
1hr : 1 hour |
6hr : 6 hours |
1day : 1 day |
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
The response will be an array of arrays
Field | Type | Description |
Array of Arrays | Descending order by time | |
-- -- time | long | Time in milliseconds |
-- -- open | decimal | Open price |
-- -- high | decimal | High price |
-- -- low | decimal | Low price |
-- -- close | decimal | Close price |
-- -- volume | decimal | Volume |
Derivatives Candles
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/derivatives/candles/BTCGUSDPERP/1m")
btc_perps_candle_data = response.json()
$ curl ""
JSON response
This endpoint retrieves time-intervaled data for the provided perps symbol.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Values |
:symbol | String | Trading pair symbol | available only for perpetual pairs likeBTCGUSDPERP , See symbols and minimums |
:time_frame | String | Time range for each candle | 1m : 1 minute (only) |
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
The response will be an array of arrays
Field | Type | Description |
Array of Arrays | Descending order by time | |
-- -- time | long | Time in milliseconds |
-- -- open | decimal | Open price |
-- -- high | decimal | High price |
-- -- low | decimal | Low price |
-- -- close | decimal | Close price |
-- -- volume | decimal | Volume |
Fee Promos
$ curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/feepromos")
feepromos = response.json()
This endpoint retrieves symbols that currently have fee promos.
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
The response will be a JSON object:
Field | Type | Description |
symbols | array | Symbols that currently have fee promos |
JSON response
"symbols": [
Current Order Book
curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/book/btcusd")
btc_book = response.json()
JSON response
"bids": [{
"price": "3607.85",
"amount": "6.643373",
"timestamp": "1547147541"
"asks": [{
"price": "3607.86",
"amount": "14.68205084",
"timestamp": "1547147541"
This will return the current order book as two arrays (bids / asks).
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
If a limit is specified on a side, then the orders closest to the midpoint of the book will be the ones returned.
Parameter | Type | Description |
limit_bids | integer | Optional. Limit the number of bid (offers to buy) price levels returned. Default is 50. May be 0 to return the full order book on this side. |
limit_asks | integer | Optional. Limit the number of ask (offers to sell) price levels returned. Default is 50. May be 0 to return the full order book on this side. |
The response will be two arrays
Field | Type | Description |
bids | array | The bid price levels currently on the book. These are offers to buy at a given price |
asks | array | The ask price levels currently on the book. These are offers to sell at a given price |
The bids and the asks are grouped by price, so each entry may represent multiple orders at that price. Each element of the array will be a JSON object
Field | Type | Description |
price | decimal | The price |
amount | decimal | The total quantity remaining at the price |
timestamp | timestamp | DO NOT USE - this field is included for compatibility reasons only and is just populated with a dummy value. |
Trade History
curl "$(date -d 2014-01-01 +%s)"
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/trades/btcusd")
btcusd_trades = response.json()
JSON response
"timestamp": 1547146811,
"timestampms": 1547146811357,
"tid": 5335307668,
"price": "3610.85",
"amount": "0.27413495",
"exchange": "gemini",
"type": "buy"
This will return the trades that have executed since the specified timestamp.
Timestamps are either seconds or milliseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01). See the Data Types section about timestamp
for information on this.
Each request will show at most 500 records.
If no since
or timestamp
is specified, then it will show the most recent trades; otherwise, it will show the most recent trades that occurred after that timestamp.
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. Only return trades after this timestamp. See Data Types: Timestamps for more information. If not present, will show the most recent trades. For backwards compatibility, you may also use the alias 'since'. With timestamp, there is a 90-day hard limit. |
since_tid | integer | Optional. Only retuns trades that executed after this tid. since_tid trumps timestamp parameter which has no effect if provided too. You may set since_tid to zero to get the earliest available trade history data. |
limit_trades | integer | Optional. The maximum number of trades to return. The default is 50. |
include_breaks | boolean | Optional. Whether to display broken trades. False by default. Can be '1' or 'true' to activate |
The response will be an array of JSON objects, sorted by timestamp, with the newest trade shown first.
Field | Type | Description |
timestamp | timestamp | The time that the trade was executed |
timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade was executed in milliseconds |
tid | integer | The trade ID number |
price | decimal | The price the trade was executed at |
amount | decimal | The amount that was traded |
exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
type | string |
broken | boolean | Whether the trade was broken or not. Broken trades will not be displayed by default; use the include_breaks to display them. |
Price feed
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/pricefeed")
prices = response.json()
$ curl ""
JSON Response
"percentChange24h": "5.23"
"percentChange24h": "4.85"
"percentChange24h": "-2.91"
"percentChange24h": "7.63"
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
Response is a list of objects, one for each pair,with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
pair | String | Trading pair symbol. See symbols and minimums |
price | String | Current price of the pair on the Gemini order book |
percentChange24h | String | 24 hour change in price of the pair on the Gemini order book |
Funding Amount
$ curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
response = requests.get(base_url + "/fundingamount/:symbol")
symbols = response.json()
This endpoint retrieves extra detail on supported symbols, such as minimum order size, tick size, quote increment and more.
HTTP Request
Base URL can be changed to
for test purposes.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Values |
:symbol | String | Trading pair symbol | BTCGUSDPERP , etc. See symbols and minimums |
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The requested symbol. See symbols and minimums |
fundingDateTime | string | UTC date time in format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ format |
fundingTimestampMilliSecs | long | Current funding amount Epoc time. |
nextFundingTimestamp | long | Next funding amount Epoc time. |
amount | decimal | The dollar amount for a Long 1 position held in the symbol for funding period (1 hour) |
estimatedFundingAmount | decimal | The estimated dollar amount for a Long 1 position held in the symbol for next funding period (1 hour) |
JSON response
"symbol": "btcgusdperp",
"fundingDateTime": "2023-06-12T03:00:00.000Z",
"fundingTimestampMilliSecs": 1686538800000,
"nextFundingTimestamp": 1686542400000,
"fundingAmount": 0.51692,
"estimatedFundingAmount": 0.27694
Funding Amount Report File
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Mandatory |
fromDate | integer | Mandatory if toDate is specified. Else, Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
toDate | string | Mandatory if fromDate is specified. Else, Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
numRows | integer | Optional. If empty, default value '8760' |
Compare and obtain the minimum records between (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) and 1000. If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch the minimum between 360 and 1000 records only.symbol=BTCGUSDPERP&numRows=2024-04-10&toDate=2024-04-25
If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch 360 records only.symbol=BTCGUSDPERP&numRows=1000
Fetch maximum 1000 records starting from Now to a historical datesymbol=BTCGUSDPERP
Fetch maximum 8760 records starting from Now to a historical date
csv / excel file will be downloaded
Order Placement Endpoints
New Order
If you wish orders to be automatically cancelled when your session ends, see the require heartbeat section, or manually send the cancel all session orders message.
import requests
import json
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib
import time
base_url = ""
endpoint = "/v1/order/new"
url = base_url + endpoint
gemini_api_key = "mykey"
gemini_api_secret = "1234abcd".encode()
payload_nonce = time.time()
payload = {
"request": "/v1/order/new",
"nonce": payload_nonce,
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "5",
"price": "3633.00",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit",
"options": ["maker-or-cancel"]
encoded_payload = json.dumps(payload).encode()
b64 = base64.b64encode(encoded_payload)
signature =, b64, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()
request_headers = { 'Content-Type': "text/plain",
'Content-Length': "0",
'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': gemini_api_key,
'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': signature,
'Cache-Control': "no-cache" }
response =,
new_order = response.json()
Sample limit order payload
"request": "/v1/order/new",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"client_order_id": <client_order_id>,
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "5",
"price": "3633.00",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit"
JSON limit order response
"order_id": "106817811",
"id": "106817811",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"exchange": "gemini",
"avg_execution_price": "3632.8508430064554",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit",
"timestamp": "1547220404",
"timestampms": 1547220404836,
"is_live": True,
"is_cancelled": False,
"is_hidden": False,
"was_forced": False,
"executed_amount": "3.7567928949",
"remaining_amount": "1.2432071051",
"client_order_id": "20190110-4738721",
"options": [],
"price": "3633.00",
"original_amount": "5"
Sample Stop-Limit order payload
"amount": ".1",
"client_order_id": "470135",
"price": "10500",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"side": "Buy",
"request": "/v1/order/new",
"stop_price": "10000",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"type": "exchange stop limit"
JSON Stop-Limit order response
"order_id": "7419662",
"id": "7419662",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"exchange": "gemini",
"avg_execution_price": "0.00",
"side": "buy",
"type": "stop-limit",
"timestamp": "1572378649",
"timestampms": 1572378649018,
"is_live": True,
"is_cancelled": False,
"is_hidden": False,
"was_forced": False,
"executed_amount": "0",
"options": [],
"stop_price": "10400.00",
"price": "10500.00",
"original_amount": "0.01"
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/order/new" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
client_order_id | string | Recommended. A client-specified order id |
symbol | string | The symbol for the new order |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to purchase |
price | string | Quoted decimal amount to spend per unit |
side | string | "buy" or "sell" |
type | string | The order type. "exchange limit" for all order types except for stop-limit orders. "exchange stop limit" for stop-limit orders. |
options | array | Optional. An optional array containing at most one supported order execution option. See Order execution options for details. |
stop_price | string | Optional. The price to trigger a stop-limit order. Only available for stop-limit orders. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to place the order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
Stop-Limit Orders
A Stop-Limit order is an order type that allows for order placement when a price reaches a specified level. Stop-Limit orders take in both a price
and and a stop_price
as parameters. The stop_price
is the price that triggers the order to be placed on the continous live order book at the price
. For buy orders, the stop_price
must be below the price
while sell orders require the stop_price
to be greater than the price
What about market orders?
The API doesn't directly support market orders because they provide you with no price protection.
Instead, use the “immediate-or-cancel” order execution option, coupled with an aggressive limit price (i.e. very high for a buy order or very low for a sell order), to achieve the same result.
Order execution options
Note that options
is an array. If you omit options
or provide an empty array, your order will be a standard
limit order - it will immediately fill against any open orders at an equal or better price, then the remainder of
the order will be posted to the order book.
If you specify more than one option (or an unsupported option) in the options
array, the exchange will reject your order.
No options
can be applied to stop-limit orders at this time.
The available limit order options
Option | Description |
"maker-or-cancel" |
This order will only add liquidity to the order book. If any part of the order could be filled immediately, the whole order will instead be canceled before any execution occurs. If that happens, the response back from the API will indicate that the order has already been canceled ( "is_cancelled": true in JSON).Note: some other exchanges call this option "post-only". |
"immediate-or-cancel" |
This order will only remove liquidity from the order book. It will fill whatever part of the order it can immediately, then cancel any remaining amount so that no part of the order is added to the order book. If the order doesn't fully fill immediately, the response back from the API will indicate that the order has already been canceled ( "is_cancelled": true in JSON). |
"fill-or-kill" |
This order will only remove liquidity from the order book. It will fill the entire order immediately or cancel. If the order doesn't fully fill immediately, the response back from the API will indicate that the order has already been canceled ( "is_cancelled": true in JSON). |
Response will be the fields included in Order Status
Cancel Order
This will cancel an order. If the order is already canceled, the message will succeed but have no effect.
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"order_id": 106817811,
"request": "/v1/order/cancel"
Upon a successful call, the response will be as follows. Note the *is_cancelled** node will have a value of 'true'
"type":"exchange limit",
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/order/cancel" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
order_id | integer | The order ID given by /order/new . |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to cancel the order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
Response will be the fields included in Order Status. If the order was already canceled, then the request will have no effect and the status will be returned.
All Cancellation Reasons
Under unique circumstances, orders may be automatically cancelled by the exchange. These scenarios are detailed in the table below:
Cancel Reason | Description |
MakerOrCancelWouldTake |
Occurs when the "maker-or-cancel" execution option is included in the order request and any part of the requested order could be filled immediately. |
ExceedsPriceLimits |
Occurs when there is not sufficient liquidity on the order book to support the entered trade. Orders will be automatically cancelled when liquidity conditions are such that the order would move price +/- 5%. |
SelfCrossPrevented |
Occurs when a user enters a bid that is higher than that user's lowest open ask or enters an ask that is lower than their highest open bid on the same pair. |
ImmediateOrCancelWouldPost |
Occurs when the "immediate-or-cancel" execution option is included in the order request and the requested order cannot be fully filled immediately. This type of cancellation will only cancel the unfulfilled part of any impacted order. |
FillOrKillWouldNotFill |
Occurs when the "fill-or-kill" execution option is included in the new order request and the entire order cannot be filled immediately. Unlike "immediate-or-cancel" orders, this execution option will result in the entire order being cancelled rather than just the unfulfilled portion. |
Requested |
Cancelled via user request to /v1/order/cancel endpoint. |
MarketClosed |
Occurs when an order is placed for a trading pair that is currently closed. |
TradingClosed |
Occurs when an order is placed while the exchange is closed for trading. |
Wrap Order
This endpoint wraps and unwraps Gemini issued assets.
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/wrap/GUSDUSD",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"account": "alice",
"amount": "1",
"side": "buy",
Sample response
"orderId": 429135395,
"pair": "GUSDUSD",
"price": "1",
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": "1",
"quantityCurrency": "GUSD",
"totalSpend": "1",
"totalSpendCurrency": "USD",
"fee": "0",
"feeCurrency": "USD",
"depositFee": "0",
"depositFeeCurrency": "USD"
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/wrap/:symbol" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to place the order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
amount | string | Amount to be wrapped/unwrapped depending on direction |
side | string | "buy" or "sell" |
client_order_id | string | Recommended. A client-specified order id |
Field | Type | Description |
orderId | string | The order id |
pair | string | Trading pair symbol. See symbols and minimums |
price | string | The current price of the pair on the order |
priceCurrency | string | The currency in which the order is priced. Matches CCY2 in the symbol |
side | string | Either "buy" or "sell" |
quantity | string | The amount that was executed |
quantityCurrency | string | The currency label for the quantity field. Matches CCY1 in the symbol |
totalSpend | string | Total quantity to spend for the order. Will be the sum inclusive of all fees and amount to be traded. |
totalSpendCurrency | string | Currency of the totalSpend to be spent on the order |
fee | string | The amount charged |
feeCurrency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
depositFee | string | The deposit fee quantity. Will be applied if a debit card is used for the order. Will return 0 if there is no depositFee |
depositFeeCurrency | string | Currency in which depositFee is taken |
Cancel All Session Orders
This will cancel all orders opened by this session.
This will have the same effect as heartbeat expiration if "Require Heartbeat" is selected for the session.
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/order/cancel/session",
"nonce": <nonce>
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/order/cancel/session" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to cancel the orders. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | ok |
details | node (nested) | cancelledOrders/cancelRejects with IDs of both |
Cancel All Active Orders
This will cancel all outstanding orders created by all sessions owned by this account, including interactive orders placed through the UI.
Typically Cancel All Session Orders is preferable, so that only orders related to the current connected session are cancelled.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/order/cancel/all"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/order/cancel/all" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to cancel the orders. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
"result": "ok",
"details": {
"cancelRejects": [],
"cancelledOrders": [
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | ok |
details | node (nested) | cancelledOrders/cancelRejects with IDs of both |
Order Status Endpoints
Order Status
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/order/status",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"order_id": 123456789012345,
"include_trades": True
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/order/status" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
order_id | integer | The order id to get information on. The order_id represents a whole number and is transmitted as an unsigned 64-bit integer in JSON format. An unsigned 64-bit integer is a non-negative whole number with a maximum value of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. order_id cannot be used in combination with client_order_id . |
client_order_id | string | Optional. The client_order_id used when placing the order. client_order_id cannot be used in combination with order_id |
include_trades | boolean | Optional. Either True or False . If True the endpoint will return individual trade details of all fills from the order. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the order was placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
The response will be an object when using order_id
in the payload of the request, and an array when using client_order_id
JSON reponse for limit buy
"order_id" : "123456789012345",
"id" : "123456789012345",
"symbol" : "btcusd",
"exchange" : "gemini",
"avg_execution_price" : "400.00",
"side" : "buy",
"type" : "exchange limit",
"timestamp" : "1494870642",
"timestampms" : 1494870642156,
"is_live" : False,
"is_cancelled" : False,
"is_hidden" : False,
"was_forced" : False,
"executed_amount" : "3",
"remaining_amount" : "0",
"options" : [],
"price" : "400.00",
"original_amount" : "3"
JSON response for market buy with
"avg_execution_price": "22728.94",
"exchange": "gemini",
"executed_amount": "0.0219983861",
"id": "17379712927",
"is_cancelled": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"is_live": false,
"options": [],
"order_id": "17379712927",
"remaining_amount": "0",
"side": "buy",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"timestamp": "1608229172",
"timestampms": 1608229172627,
"trades": [
"aggressor": true,
"amount": "0.0219983861",
"exchange": "gemini",
"fee_amount": "0.00",
"fee_currency": "USD",
"order_id": "17379712927",
"price": "22728.94",
"tid": 17379712930,
"timestamp": 1608229172,
"timestampms": 1608229172627,
"type": "Buy"
"type": "market buy",
"was_forced": false
Field | Type | Description |
order_id | string | The order id |
client_order_id | string | An optional client-specified order id |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order |
exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
price | decimal | The price the order was issued at |
avg_execution_price | decimal | The average price at which this order as been executed so far. 0 if the order has not been executed at all. |
side | string | Either "buy" or "sell". |
type | string | Description of the order:
options | string | An array containing at most one supported order execution option. See Order execution options for details. |
timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp the order was submitted. Note that for compatibility reasons, this is returned as a string. We recommend using the timestampms field instead. |
timestampms | timestampms | The timestamp the order was submitted in milliseconds. |
is_live | boolean | true if the order is active on the book (has remaining quantity and has not been canceled) |
is_cancelled | boolean | true if the order has been canceled. Note the spelling, "cancelled" instead of "canceled". This is for compatibility reasons. |
reason | string | Populated with the reason your order was canceled, if available. |
was_forced | boolean | Will always be false . |
executed_amount | decimal | The amount of the order that has been filled. |
remaining_amount | decimal | The amount of the order that has not been filled. |
original_amount | decimal | The originally submitted amount of the order. |
is_hidden | boolean | Will always return false . |
trades | array | Optional. Contains an array of JSON objects with trade details. |
-- -- price | decimal | The price that the execution happened at |
-- -- amount | decimal | The quantity that was executed |
-- -- timestamp | timestamp | The time that the trade happened in epoch seconds |
-- -- timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade happened in milliseconds |
-- -- type | string | Will be either "Buy" or "Sell", indicating the side of the original order |
-- -- aggressor | boolean | If true , this order was the taker in the trade |
-- -- fee_currency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
-- -- fee_amount | decimal | The amount charged |
-- -- tid | integer | Unique identifier for the trade |
-- -- order_id | string | The order that this trade executed against |
-- -- exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
-- -- break | string | Optional. Will only be present if the trade is broken. See Break Types below for more information. |
Get Active Orders
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/orders"
This takes no parameters other than the general ones
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/orders" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
[ {
"order_id": "107421210",
"id": "107421210",
"symbol": "ethusd",
"exchange": "gemini",
"avg_execution_price": "0.00",
"side": "sell",
"type": "exchange limit",
"timestamp": "1547241628",
"timestampms": 1547241628042,
"is_live": True,
"is_cancelled": False,
"is_hidden": False,
"was_forced": False,
"executed_amount": "0",
"remaining_amount": "1",
"options": [],
"price": "125.51",
"original_amount": "1"
"order_id": "107421205",
"id": "107421205",
"symbol": "ethusd",
"exchange": "gemini",
"avg_execution_price": "125.41",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit",
"timestamp": "1547241626",
"timestampms": 1547241626991,
"is_live": True,
"is_cancelled": False,
"is_hidden": False,
"was_forced": False,
"executed_amount": "0.029147",
"remaining_amount": "0.970853",
"options": [],
"price": "125.42",
"original_amount": "1"
} ]
An array of the results of /order/status
for all your live orders.
Get Past Trades
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/mytrades",
"symbol": "btcusd"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/mytrades" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
symbol | string | Optional. The symbol to retrieve trades for |
limit_trades | integer | Optional. The maximum number of trades to return. Default is 50, max is 500. |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. Only return trades on or after this timestamp. See Data Types: Timestamps for more information. If not present, will show the most recent orders. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON reponse
[ {
"price": "3648.09",
"amount": "0.0027343246",
"timestamp": 1547232911,
"timestampms": 1547232911021,
"type": "Buy",
"aggressor": True,
"fee_currency": "USD",
"fee_amount": "0.024937655575035",
"tid": 107317526,
"order_id": "107317524",
"exchange": "gemini",
"is_clearing_fill": False,
"symbol": "BTCUSD"
}, {
"price": "3633.00",
"amount": "0.00423677",
"timestamp": 1547220640,
"timestampms": 1547220640195,
"type": "Buy",
"aggressor": False,
"fee_currency": "USD",
"fee_amount": "0.038480463525",
"tid": 106921823,
"order_id": "106817811",
"exchange": "gemini",
"is_clearing_fill": False,
"symbol": "BTCUSD"
} ]
The response will be an array of trade information items.
Field | Type | Description |
price | decimal | The price that the execution happened at |
amount | decimal | The quantity that was executed |
timestamp | timestamp | The time that the trade happened in epoch seconds |
timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade happened in milliseconds |
type | string | Will be either "Buy" or "Sell", indicating the side of the original order |
aggressor | boolean | If true , this order was the taker in the trade |
fee_currency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
fee_amount | decimal | The amount charged |
tid | integer | Unique identifier for the trade |
order_id | string | The order that this trade executed against |
client_order_id | string | The optional client-specified order id that this trade is associated with |
exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
is_clearing_fill | boolean | True if the trade was a clearing trade and not an on-exchange trade |
symbol | string | The symbol that the trade was for |
break | string | Optional. Will only be present if the trade is broken. See Break Types below for more information. |
How to retrieve your trade history
To retrieve your full trade history walking backwards,
- Initial request:
to with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with value0
and alimit_trades
key with value500
- When you receive the list of trades, it will be sorted by
descending - so the first element in the list will have the highesttimestamp
value. For this example, say that value isX
. - Create a second
request with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with valueX+1
and alimit_trades
key with value500
. - Take the first element of the list returned with highest
and create a thirdPOST
request with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with valueY+1
and alimit_trades
key with value500
. - Continue creating
requests and retrieving trades until an empty list is returned.
Break Types
In the rare event that a trade has been reversed (broken), the trade that is broken will have this flag set. The field will contain one of these values
Value | Description |
manual | The trade was reversed manually. This means that all fees, proceeds, and debits associated with the trade have been credited or debited to the account seperately. That means that this reported trade must be included for order for the account balance to be correct. |
full | The trade was fully broken. The reported trade should not be accounted for. It will be as though the transfer of fund associated with the trade had simply not happened. |
Get Orders History
This API retrieves (closed) orders history for an account.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
json { "request": "/v1/orders/history", "nonce": <nonce>, "timestamp": <timestamp>, "limit_orders":<limitorders>, "symbol":"btcusd" }
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/orders/history |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. In iso datetime with timezone format from that date you will get order history |
limit_orders | integer | Optional. The maximum number of orders to return. Default is 50, max is 500. |
symbol | string | Optional. The symbol to retrieve orders for |
JSON response
"order_id": "73751560172006688",
"id": "73751560172006688",
"symbol": "ethgusd",
"exchange": "gemini",
"avg_execution_price": "0.00",
"side": "buy",
"type": "exchange limit",
"timestamp": "1695629298",
"timestampms": 1695629298505,
"is_live": false,
"is_cancelled": true,
"is_hidden": false,
"was_forced": false,
"executed_amount": "0",
"client_order_id": "fb5321b0-2114-47fd-8cca-531a66d7feaf",
"options": [],
"price": "420.00",
"original_amount": "0.69",
"remaining_amount": "0.69",
"trades": []
Field | Type | Description |
order_id | string | The order id |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order |
exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
avg_execution_price | decimal | The average price at which this order as been executed so far. 0 if the order has not been executed at all. |
side | string | Either "buy" or "sell". |
type | string | Description of the order:
timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp the order was submitted. Note that for compatibility reasons, this is returned as a string. We recommend using the timestampms field instead. |
timestampms | timestampms | The timestamp the order was submitted in milliseconds. |
is_live | boolean | true if the order is active on the book (has remaining quantity and has not been canceled) |
is_cancelled | boolean | true if the order has been canceled. Note the spelling, "cancelled" instead of "canceled". This is for compatibility reasons. |
is_hidden | boolean | Will always return false . |
was_forced | boolean | Will always be false . |
executed_amount | decimal | The amount of the order that has been filled. |
client_order_id | string | An optional client-specified order id |
options | string | An array containing at most one supported order execution option. See Order execution options for details. |
price | decimal | The price the order was issued at |
original_amount | decimal | The originally submitted amount of the order. |
remaining_amount | decimal | The amount of the order that has not been filled. |
trades | array | Optional. Contains an array of JSON objects with trade details. |
-- -- price | decimal | The price that the execution happened at |
-- -- amount | decimal | The quantity that was executed |
-- -- timestamp | timestamp | The time that the trade happened in epoch seconds |
-- -- timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade happened in milliseconds |
-- -- type | string | Will be either "Buy" or "Sell", indicating the side of the original order |
-- -- aggressor | boolean | If true , this order was the taker in the trade |
-- -- fee_currency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
-- -- fee_amount | decimal | The amount charged |
-- -- tid | integer | Unique identifier for the trade |
-- -- order_id | string | The order that this trade executed against |
-- -- exchange | string | Will always be "gemini" |
-- -- break | string | Optional. Will only be present if the trade is broken. See Break Types below for more information. |
How to retrieve your order history
To retrieve your full order history walking backwards,
- Initial request:
to with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with value0
and alimit_orders
key with value500
- When you receive the list of orders, it will be sorted by
descending - so the first element in the list will have the highesttimestamp
value. For this example, say that value isX
. - Create a second
request with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with valueX+1
and alimit_orders
key with value500
. - Take the first element of the list returned with highest
and create a thirdPOST
request with a JSON payload including atimestamp
key with valueY+1
and alimit_orders
key with value500
. - Continue creating
requests and retrieving orders until an empty list is returned.
Break Types
In the rare event that a trade has been reversed (broken), the trade that is broken will have this flag set. The field will contain one of these values
Value | Description |
manual | The trade was reversed manually. This means that all fees, proceeds, and debits associated with the trade have been credited or debited to the account seperately. That means that this reported trade must be included for order for the account balance to be correct. |
full | The trade was fully broken. The reported trade should not be accounted for. It will be as though the transfer of fund associated with the trade had simply not happened. |
Fee and Volume Endpoints
Get Notional Volume
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/notionalvolume"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/notionalvolume" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
symbol | string | Optional. The participating symbol for fee promotions. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the trades were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
"web_maker_fee_bps": 25,
"web_taker_fee_bps": 35,
"api_maker_fee_bps": 10,
"api_taker_fee_bps": 35,
"fix_maker_fee_bps": 10,
"fix_taker_fee_bps": 35,
"notional_30d_volume": 150.00,
"last_updated_ms": 1551371446000,
"date": "2019-02-28",
"notional_1d_volume": [
"date": "2019-02-22",
"notional_volume": 75.00
"date": "2019-02-14",
"notional_volume": 75.00
The response will be a JSON object representing the volume in price currency that has been traded across all pairs over a period of 30 days.
- All volume values are in USD.
- The notional volume calculation happens daily at midnight UTC.
- Fees are calculated using the total 30 day notional volume, maker plus taker.
- Refer to the Gemini Trading Fee Schedule for more information.
Field | Type | Description |
date | string | UTC date in yyyy-MM-dd format |
last_updated_ms | timestampms | Unix timestamp in millisecond of the last update |
web_maker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the maker fee for all symbols in basis point for web orders |
web_taker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the taker fee for all symbols in basis point for web orders |
api_maker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the maker fee for all symbols in basis point for API orders |
api_taker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the taker fee for all symbols in basis point for API orders |
fix_maker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the maker fee for all symbols in basis point for FIX orders |
fix_taker_fee_bps | basis point | Integer value representing the taker fee for all symbols in basis point for FIX orders |
notional_30d_volume | decimal | Maker plus taker trading volume for the past 30 days |
notional_1d_volume | array | A list of 1 day notional volume for the past 30 days |
notional_1d_volume[n].date | string | UTC date in yyyy-MM-dd format |
notional_1d_volume[n].notional_volume | decimal | Notional volume value in USD for this single day |
Get Trade Volume
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/tradevolume"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/tradevolume" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
"symbol": "btcusd",
"base_currency": "BTC",
"notional_currency": "USD",
"data_date": "2019-01-10",
"total_volume_base": 8.06021756,
"maker_buy_sell_ratio": 1,
"buy_maker_base": 6.06021756,
"buy_maker_notional": 23461.3515203844,
"buy_maker_count": 34,
"sell_maker_base": 0,
"sell_maker_notional": 0,
"sell_maker_count": 0,
"buy_taker_base": 0,
"buy_taker_notional": 0,
"buy_taker_count": 0,
"sell_taker_base": 2,
"sell_taker_notional": 7935.66,
"sell_taker_count": 2
"symbol": "ltcusd",
"base_currency": "LTC",
"notional_currency": "USD",
"data_date": "2019-01-11",
"total_volume_base": 3,
"maker_buy_sell_ratio": 0,
"buy_maker_base": 0,
"buy_maker_notional": 0,
"buy_maker_count": 0,
"sell_maker_base": 0,
"sell_maker_notional": 0,
"sell_maker_count": 0,
"buy_taker_base": 3,
"buy_taker_notional": 98.22,
"buy_taker_count": 3,
"sell_taker_base": 0,
"sell_taker_notional": 0,
"sell_taker_count": 0
The response will be an array of up to 30 days of trade volume for each symbol.
- Each row represents 1d of trading volume. All dates are UTC dates.
- Partial trading volume for the current day is not supplied.
- Days without trading volume will be omitted from the array.
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The symbol |
base_currency | decimal | quantity is denominated in this currency |
notional_currency | decimal | price is denominated as the amount of notional currency per one unit of base currency. Notional values are denominated in this currency |
data_date | string | UTC date in yyyy-MM-dd format |
total_volume_base | decimal | Total trade volume for this day |
maker_buy_sell_ratio | decimal | Maker buy/sell ratio is the proportion of maker base volume on trades where the account was on the buy side versus all maker trades. If there is no maker base volume on the buy side, then this value is 0 . |
buy_maker_base | decimal | Quantity for this day where the account was a maker on the buy side of the trade. |
buy_maker_notional | decimal | Notional value for this day where the account was a maker on the buy side of the trade. |
buy_maker_count | decimal | Number of trades for this day where the account was a maker on the buy side of the trade. |
sell_maker_base | decimal | Quantity for this day where the account was a maker on the sell side of the trade. |
sell_maker_notional | decimal | Notional value for this day where the account was a maker on the sell side of the trade. |
sell_maker_count | decimal | Number of trades for this day where the account was a maker on the sell side of the trade. |
buy_taker_base | decimal | Quantity for this day where the account was a taker on the buy side of the trade. |
buy_taker_notional | decimal | Notional value for this day where the account was a taker on the buy side of the trade. |
buy_taker_count | decimal | Number of trades for this day where the account was a taker on the buy side of the trade. |
sell_taker_base | decimal | Quantity for this day where the account was a taker on the sell side of the trade. |
sell_taker_notional | decimal | Notional value for this day where the account was a taker on the sell side of the trade. |
sell_taker_count | decimal | Number of trades for this day where the account was a taker on the sell side of the trade. |
FX Rate
We have a growing international institutional customer base. When pulling market data for charting, it can be useful to have access to our FX rate for the relevant currency at that time.
Please note, Gemini does not offer foreign exchange services. This endpoint is for historical reference only and does not provide any guarantee of future exchange rates.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The string :symbol . The currency to check the USD FX rate against. We should have historical FX rates for at least GBP, EUR, CAD, SGD, AUD from BCB. (So valid symbols will be in the format of gbpusd for example) |
timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp to pull the FX rate for. Note that we likely need to round this to the closest timestamp we received an update for from BCB. See Data Types: Timestamps for more information. |
JSON response
"fxPair": "AUDUSD",
"rate": "0.69",
"asOf": 1594651859000,
"provider": "bcb",
"benchmark": "Spot"
Response is a list of objects, with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
fxPair | string | The requested currency pair |
rate | decimal | The fx rate of the non USD currency. USD is the base currency and will always have a value of 1 |
asOf | timestamp | The timestamp (in Epoch time format) that the requested fxrate has been retrieved for |
provider | string | The market data provider |
benchmark | string | The market for which the retrieved price applies to |
Derivatives Endpoints
Open Positions
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/positions"
This takes no parameters other than the general ones
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/positions" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
"symbol": "btcgusdperp",
"instrument_type": "perp",
"quantity": "0.2",
"notional_value": "4000.036",
"realised_pnl": "1234.5678",
"unrealised_pnl": "999.946",
"average_cost": "15000.45",
"mark_price": "20000.18"
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order. |
instrument_type | string | The type of instrument. Either "spot" or "perp". |
quantity | decimal | The position size. Value will be negative for shorts. |
notional_value | decimal | The value of position; calculated as (quantity * mark_price ). Value will be negative for shorts. |
realised_pnl | decimal | The current P&L that has been realised from the position. |
unrealised_pnl | decimal | Current Mark to Market value of the positions. |
average_cost | decimal | The average price of the current position. |
mark_price | decimal | The current Mark Price for the Asset or the position. |
Account Margin
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/margin",
"symbol": "BTC-GUSD-PERP"
This takes no parameters other than the general ones
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/margin" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
symbol | string | Trading pair symbol. See symbols and minimums |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
"margin_assets_value": "9800",
"initial_margin": "6000",
"available_margin": "3800",
"margin_maintenance_limit": "5800",
"leverage": "12.34567",
"notional_value": "1300",
"estimated_liquidation_price": "1300",
"initial_margin_positions": "3500",
"reserved_margin": "2500",
"reserved_margin_buys": "1800",
"reserved_margin_sells": "700",
"buying_power": "0.19",
"selling_power": "0.19"
Field | Type | Description |
margin_assets_value | decimal | The $ equivalent value of all the assets available in the current trading account that can contribute to funding a derivatives position. |
initial_margin | decimal | The $ amount that is being required by the accounts current positions and open orders. |
available_margin | decimal | The difference between the margin_assets_value and initial_margin . |
margin_maintenance_limit | decimal | The minimum amount of margin_assets_value required before the account is moved to liquidation status. |
leverage | decimal | The ratio of Notional Value to Margin Assets Value. |
notional_value | decimal | The $ value of the current position. |
estimated_liquidation_price | decimal | The estimated price for the asset at which liquidation would occur. |
initial_margin_positions | decimal | The contribution to initial_margin from open positions. |
reserved_margin | decimal | The contribution to initial_margin from open orders. |
reserved_margin_buys | decimal | The contribution to initial_margin from open BUY orders. |
reserved_margin_sells | decimal | The contribution to initial_margin from open SELL orders. |
buying_power | decimal | The amount of that product the account could purchase based on current initial_margin and margin_assets_value . |
selling_power | decimal | The amount of that product the account could sell based on current initial_margin and margin_assets_value . |
Risk Stats
HTTP Request
curl ""
import requests, json
base_url = ""
riskstat_symbol = "riskstats/BTCGUSDPERP"
response = requests.get(base_url + riskstat_symbol)
risk_stat = response.json()
This end point retrieves the risk stats for the symbol.
This takes no parameters other than the general ones
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Trading pair symbol. See symbols and minimums |
The response will be an json object
Field | Type | Description |
product_type | string | Contract type for which the symbol data is fetched |
mark_price | string | current mark price at the time of request |
index_price | string | current index price at the time of request |
open_interest | string | string representation of decimal value of open interest |
open_interest_notional | string | string representation of decimal value of open interest notional |
Funding Payment
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for
more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/perpetuals/fundingPayment"
This takes no parameters other than the general ones
Parameter | Type | Description |
since | integer or timestamp | Optional and if specified only return funding payments after this point. Default value is 24h in past |
to | integer or timestamp | Optional and if specified only returns funding payment until this point. Default value is now |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/perpetuals/fundingPayment" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the orders were placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response
'eventType': 'Hourly Funding Transfer',
'hourlyFundingTransfer': {
'eventType': 'Hourly Funding Transfer',
'timestamp': 1683730803940,
'assetCode': 'GUSD',
'action': 'Debit',
'quantity': {
'currency': 'GUSD',
'value': '4.78958'
'eventType': 'Hourly Funding Transfer',
'hourlyFundingTransfer': {
'eventType': 'Hourly Funding Transfer',
'timestamp': 1683734406746,
'assetCode': 'GUSD',
'action': 'Debit',
'quantity': {
'currency': 'GUSD',
'value': '4.78958'
'instrumentSymbol': 'BTCGUSDPERP'
Field | Type | Description |
eventType | string | Event type |
timestamp | timestamps | Time of the funding payment |
assetCode | string | Asset symbol |
action | string | Credit or Debit |
quantity | JSON object | A nested JSON object describing the transaction amount |
instrumentSymbol | string | Symbol of the underlying instrument (Note that this is only attached to requests from 16th April 2024 onwards.) |
Funding Payment Report File
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for
more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Request Header. More info: Private API Invocation
'Content-Type': "text/plain",
'Content-Length': "0",
'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': <Private API Invocation>
'X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD': <Private API Invocation>,
'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': <Private API Invocation>,
'Cache-Control': "no-cache"
Sample Request Payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/perpetuals/fundingpaymentreport/records.xlsx?symbol=BTCGUSDPERP&fromDate=2024-04-10&toDate=2024-04-25&numRows=1000"
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fromDate | integer | Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
toDate | string | Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
numRows | integer | Optional. If empty, default value '8760' |
Compare and obtain the minimum records between (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) and 1000. If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch the minimum between 360 and 1000 records only.&numRows=2024-04-10&toDate=2024-04-25
If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch 360 records only.&numRows=1000
Fetch maximum 1000 records starting from Now to a historical date<blank>
Fetch maximum 8760 records starting from Now to a historical date
csv / excel file will be downloaded
Funding Payment Report Json
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have orders:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for
more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Request Header. More info: Private API Invocation
'Content-Type': "text/plain",
'Content-Length': "0",
'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': <Private API Invocation>
'X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD': <Private API Invocation>,
'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': <Private API Invocation>,
'Cache-Control': "no-cache"
Sample Request Payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/perpetuals/fundingpaymentreport/records.xlsx?symbol=BTCGUSDPERP&fromDate=2024-04-10&toDate=2024-04-25&numRows=1000"
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fromDate | integer | Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
toDate | string | Optional. If empty, will only fetch records by numRows value |
numRows | integer | Optional. If empty, default value '8760' |
Compare and obtain the minimum records between (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) and 1000. If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch the minimum between 360 and 1000 records only.&numRows=2024-04-10&toDate=2024-04-25
If (2024-04-10 to 2024-04-25) contains 360 records. Then fetch 360 records only.&numRows=1000
Fetch maximum 1000 records starting from Now to a historical date<blank>
Fetch maximum 8760 records starting from Now to a historical date
Sample Response Json
"eventType": "Hourly Funding Transfer",
"timestamp": 1713344403617,
"assetCode": "GUSD",
"action": "Credit",
"quantity": {
"currency": "GUSD",
"value": "35.81084"
"instrumentSymbol": "BTCGUSDPERP"
Field | Type | Description |
eventType | string | Event type |
timestamp | timestamps | Time of the funding payment |
assetCode | string | Asset symbol |
action | string | Credit or Debit |
quantity | JSON object | A nested JSON object describing the transaction amount |
instrumentSymbol | string | Symbol of the underlying instrument (Note that this is only attached to requests from 16th April 2024 onwards.) |
Gemini Clearing
Gemini Clearing allows two parties to settle a trade off the order book. The initiator enters the trade details for any supported symbol and generates a trade_id
. If a counterparty_id
is supplied, only the specified counterparty can confirm the order. If a counterparty_id
is not supplied, the ticket will generate a trade_id
that can filled by any counterparty.
New Clearing Order
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have clearing:create
assigned to access /v1/clearing/new
, /v1/clearing/cancel
and /v1/clearing/confirm
. The OAuth scope must have clearing:read
to access /v1/clearing/status
. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Base url can be changed to
for test purposes. Please reach out to to enable Gemini Clearing on your sandbox account and test workflows.
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/new" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
counterparty_id | string | An optional symbol that corresponds with a counterparty to which you are directing the trade |
expires_in_hrs | integer | The number of hours before the trade expires. Your counterparty will need to confirm the order before this time expires. |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to purchase |
price | string | Quoted decimal amount to spend per unit |
side | string | "buy" or "sell" |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which to place the order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
New Clearing Order example
import requests
import json
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib
import time
base_url = ""
endpoint = "/v1/clearing/new"
url = base_url + endpoint
gemini_api_key = "mykey"
gemini_api_secret = "1234abcd".encode()
counterparty_id = "OM9VNL1G"
payload_nonce = time.time()
payload = {
"request": endpoint,
"nonce": payload_nonce,
"counterparty_id": counterparty_id,
"expires_in_hrs": 24,
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "100",
"price": "9500.00",
"side": "buy"
encoded_payload = json.dumps(payload).encode()
b64 = base64.b64encode(encoded_payload)
signature =, b64, hashlib.sha384).hexdigest()
request_headers = { 'Content-Type': "text/plain",
'Content-Length': "0",
'X-GEMINI-APIKEY': gemini_api_key,
'X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE': signature,
'Cache-Control': "no-cache" }
response =,
new_clearing_order = response.json()
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/new",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"counterparty_id": "OM9VNL1G",
"expires_in_hrs": 24,
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "100",
"price": "9500.00",
"side": "buy"
JSON response
"result": "AwaitConfirm",
"clearing_id": "0OQGOZXW"
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | A description of the status of the clearing order. Because this is the reponse to an order initiation the response will be AwaitConfirm upon order placement success. Failures will show a brief description of the error in this field or the reason and message fields. |
clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. The clearing_id can be used to check the status of your order or by the counterparty to confirm the order. |
New Broker Order
Gemini Clearing also allows for brokers to facilitate trades between two Gemini customers. A broker can submit a new Gemini Clearing order that must then be confirmed by each counterparty before settlement.
Sample payload for broker order initiation
"request": "/v1/clearing/broker/new",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"source_counterparty_id": "R485E04Q",
"target_counterparty_id": "Z4929ZDY",
"symbol": "ethusd",
"amount": "175.00",
"expires_in_hrs": 1.0,
"price": "200",
"side": "sell"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/broker/new" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
source_counterparty_id | string | A symbol that corresponds with the counterparty sourcing the clearing trade |
target_counterparty_id | string | A symbol that corresponds with the counterparty where the clearing trade is targeted |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to purchase |
expires_in_hrs | integer | The number of hours before the trade expires. Your counterparty will need to confirm the order before this time expires. |
price | string | Quoted decimal amount to spend per unit |
side | string | "buy" or "sell". This side will be assigned to the source_counterparty_id . The opposite side will be sent to the target_counterparty_id . |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the broker account on which to place the order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response to broker clearing order
"result": "AwaitSourceTargetConfirm",
"clearing_id": "8EM7NVXD"
The reponse will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | Will return AwaitSourceTargetConfirm , meaning the order is waiting for both the source and the target parties to confirm the order |
clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. |
Clearing Order Status
HTTP Request
Sample order status payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/status",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"clearing_id": "OM9VNL1G"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/status" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. The clearing_id can be used to check the status of, cancel or confirm the order. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which the clearing order was placed. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response for confirmed clearing order
"result": "ok",
"status": "Confirmed"
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | Will return "ok" |
status | string | A description of the status of the order given in the clearing_id field. See order status descriptions for more information |
Order status description
Status | Description |
AwaitConfirm |
Indicates that a bilateral trade order has been successfully initiated but has not yet been confirmed by the counterparty |
AwaitSourceTargetConfirm |
Indicates that a broker trade has been successfully initiated but has not yet been confirmed by the target nor source counterparty |
AwaitTargetConfirm |
The source counterparty has confirmed the clearing order but the target counterparty has not yet confirmed |
AwaitSourceConfirm |
The target counterparty has confirmed the clearing order but the source counterparty has not yet confirmed |
Confirmed |
The counterparty has confirmed the clearing order but the trade has not attempted settlement yet. |
AttemptSettlement |
The counterparty has not yet funded their account to the required amount to settle the trade. |
Settled |
The order has been settled and the funds have successfully moved between accounts. |
Expired |
The order expiration time has come before the counterparty confirmed the order or. If the counterparty did confirm the order, then they did not have enough funds to settle the order before the expiration time. |
Canceled |
The order was canceled by the order initiator. |
Not Found |
The clearing_id given in the payload was not successfully matched to a pending clearing order. |
Cancel Clearing Order
HTTP Request
Sample order cancel payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/cancel",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"clearing_id": "P0521QDV"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/cancel" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. The clearing_id can be used to check the status of, cancel or confirm the order. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which to cancel the clearing order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response - successful cancel
"result": "ok",
"details": "P0521QDV order canceled"
JSON response - failed cancel
"result": "failed",
"details": "Unable to cancel order P0521QDV"
The response will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | A description of the status of the clearing order. This reponse will return the string "ok" upon success, or "failed" upon failure. |
details | string | Provides more detailed description on the result. Will either return "P0521QDV order canceled" or "Unable to cancel order P0521QDV". |
Confirm Clearing Order
HTTP Request
Sample order confirmation payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/confirm",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"clearing_id": "OM9VNL1G",
"symbol": "btcusd",
"amount": "100",
"price": "9500.00",
"side": "sell"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/confirm" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. The clearing_id can be used to check the status of your order or by the counterparty to confirm the order. |
symbol | string | The symbol of the order |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to purchase |
price | string | Quoted decimal amount to spend per unit |
side | string | "buy" or "sell". Must be the opposite side of the initiator's side |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account that was sent and is confirming the clearing order. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response - clearing order confirmation success
"result": "confirmed"
JSON response - clearing order confirmation failure
"result": "error",
"reason": "InvalidSide",
"message": "Invalid side for symbol BTCUSD: 'buy'"
The reponse will be an object
Field | Type | Description |
result | sring | A brief description of the result. Will return "confirmed" upon success and "error" upon failure |
reason | string | Will only populate upon failure. Gives the reason for the confirmation error |
message | string | Will only populate upon failure. A more detailed description of the reason for failure |
Clearing Order List
HTTP Request
Sample clearing list payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/list",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"counterparty": "KQ4P3XWE",
"side": "buy",
"expiration_start": 1642222800000,
"expiration_end": 1642309200000,
"submission_start": 1641790800000,
"submission_end": 1641791100000,
"funded": false
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/list" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
symbol | string | Optional. Trading pair |
counterparty | string | Optional. counterparty_id or counterparty_alias |
side | string | "buy" or "sell" |
expiration_start | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires expiration_end if set |
expiration_end | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires expiration_start if set |
submission_start | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires submission_end if set |
submission_end | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires submission_start if set |
funded | boolean | Optional. Default value false if not set |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response - successful list
"result": "success",
"orders": [
"clearing_id": "9LVQE9X5",
"counterparty_id": "YZ43LX81",
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"side": "sell",
"price": 2,
"quantity": 10,
"status": "AwaitTargetConfirm",
"submission": 1641790800020,
"expiration": 1641963600000
}, {
"clearing_id": "2MYR07XP",
"order_id": "trade1SrcOrderId",
"counterparty_id": "KQ4P3XWE",
"broker_id": "WV4V1DGN",
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"side": "buy",
"price": 1,
"quantity": 50,
"status": "AwaitSourceConfirm",
"submission": 1641790800016,
"expiration": 1642222800000
}, {
"clearing_id": "EM8WO7LQ",
"order_id": "trade4SrcOrderId",
"broker_id": "WV4V1DGN",
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"side": "buy",
"price": 4,
"quantity": 8,
"status": "AwaitSourceTargetConfirm",
"submission": 1641790800028,
"expiration": 1642136400000
The response will be an object containing clearing list
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | A description of the status of the clearing list. This reponse will return the string "success" upon success, or "failed" upon failure. |
orders | array | Array of JSON objects with clearing details |
-- -- clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. Always set. |
-- -- order_id | string | Optional. Only provided if order was submitted with it. |
-- -- counterparty_id | string | Optional. A symbol that corresponds with a counterparty to which you completed the trade with. |
-- -- counterparty_alias | string | Optional. Counterparty alias |
-- -- broker_id | string | Optional. A symbol that corresponds with a broker id. |
-- -- symbol | string | Trading pair. Always set. |
-- -- side | string | "buy" or "sell". Always set. |
-- -- price | decimal | The price the clearing order was executed at |
-- -- quantity | decimal | The amount that was executed |
-- -- status | string | A description of the status of the order given in the clearing_id field. See order status descriptions for more information |
-- -- submission | timestamp | UTC timestamp. Always set. |
-- -- expiration | timestamp | UTC timestamp. Always set. |
Clearing Broker List
HTTP Request
Sample clearing broker list payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/broker/list",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"expiration_start": 1642222800000,
"expiration_end": 1642309200000,
"submission_start": 1641790800000,
"submission_end": 1641791100000,
"funded": false
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/broker/list" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
symbol | string | Optional. Trading pair |
expiration_start | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires expiration_end if set |
expiration_end | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires expiration_start if set |
submission_start | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires submission_end if set |
submission_end | timestamp | Optional. UTC timestamp. Requires submission_start if set |
funded | boolean | Optional. Default value false if not set |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response - successful broker list
"result": "success",
"orders": [
"clearing_id": "9LVQ98X5",
"source_counterparty_id": "R54L3DG1",
"source_order_id": "trade1SrcOrderId",
"target_counterparty_id": "KQ4P3XWE",
"target_order_id": "trade1TgtOrderId",
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"source_side": "buy",
"price": 1,
"quantity": 50,
"status": "AwaitSourceConfirm",
"submission": 1641790800016,
"expiration": 1642222800000
}, {
"clearing_id": "VXQ341X4",
"source_counterparty_id": "R54L3DG1",
"source_order_id": "trade4SrcOrderId",
"symbol": "BTCEUR",
"source_side": "buy",
"price": 4,
"quantity": 8,
"status": "AwaitSourceTargetConfirm",
"submission": 1641790800028,
"expiration": 1642136400000
The response will be an object containing clearing broker list
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | A description of the status of the clearing broker list. This reponse will return the string "success" upon success, or "failed" upon failure. |
orders | array | Array of JSON objects with clearing broker list details |
-- -- clearing_id | string | A unique identifier for the clearing order. Always set. |
-- -- source_counterparty_id | string | Source counterparty id. Always set. |
-- -- source_order_id | string | Optional. Only provided if order was submitted with it. |
-- -- target_counterparty_id | string | Optional. Only provided if target counterparty was already set. |
-- -- target_order_id | string | Optional. Only provided if target counterparty set this field. |
-- -- symbol | string | Trading pair. Always set. |
-- -- source_side | string | "buy" or "sell". Always set. |
-- -- price | decimal | The price the clearing order was executed at |
-- -- quantity | decimal | The amount that was executed |
-- -- status | string | A description of the status of the order given in the clearing_id field. See order status descriptions for more information |
-- -- submission | timestamp | UTC timestamp. Always set. |
-- -- expiration | timestamp | UTC timestamp. Always set. |
Clearing Trades
HTTP Request
Sample clearing trades payload
"request": "/v1/clearing/trades",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"timestamp_nanos": 1630382206000000000,
"limit": 50,
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/clearing/trades" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
timestamp_nanos | timestamp | Optional. Only return transfers on or after this timestamp in nanos. |
limit | integer | Optional. The maximum number of transfers to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 300. |
account | string | Optional. Only required when using a master api-key. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. Only available for exchange accounts. |
JSON response - successful clearing trades
"results": [
"sourceAccount": "primary",
"targetAccount": "primary",
"pair": "BTCUSD",
"sourceSide": "buy",
"price": "1",
"quantity": "1000",
"clearingId": "41M23L5Q",
"status": "Settled",
"expirationTimeMs": 1662567706120,
"createdMs": 1662481306139,
"lastUpdatedMs": 1662481561668,
"hasBroker": false,
"wasNotified": false
"sourceAccount": "primary",
"targetAccount": "primary",
"pair": "BTCUSD",
"sourceSide": "buy",
"price": "12",
"quantity": "1000",
"clearingId": "0EMOYLJ5",
"status": "AwaitTargetConfirm",
"expirationTimeMs": 1662567728123,
"createdMs": 1662481328126,
"lastUpdatedMs": 1662481561415,
"hasBroker": false,
"wasNotified": true
The response will be an object containing clearing trades
Field | Type | Description |
sourceAccount | string | An account that corresponds with the counterparty sourcing the clearing trade. |
targetAccount | string | An account that corresponds with the counterparty where the clearing trade is targeted. |
pair | string | The trading pair of the clearing trade. |
sourceSide | string | "buy" or "sell". Always set. |
price | string | The price the clearing order was executed at. |
quantity | string | The amount that was executed. |
clearingId | string | The clearing ID. |
status | string | A description of the status of the order given in the clearing_id field. See order status descriptions for more information. |
expirationTimeMs | timestampms | The time that the clearing trade expires. |
createdMs | timestampms | The time that the clearing trade was created. |
lastUpdatedMs | timestampms | The last time the clearing trade was updated. |
hasBroker | boolean | Broker trade. |
wasNotified | boolean | Broker was notified. |
Fund Management Endpoints
Get Available Balances
This will show the available balances in the supported currencies
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have balances:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/balances"
No fields are expected in the request, other than the request name and the nonce
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/balances" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
An array of elements, with one block per currency
JSON response
"type": "exchange",
"currency": "BTC",
"amount": "1154.62034001",
"available": "1129.10517279",
"availableForWithdrawal": "1129.10517279"
"type": "exchange",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "18722.79",
"available": "14481.62",
"availableForWithdrawal": "14481.62"
"type": "exchange",
"currency": "ETH",
"amount": "20124.50369697",
"available": "20124.50369697",
"availableForWithdrawal": "20124.50369697"
Field | Type | Description |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The current balance |
available | decimal | The amount that is available to trade |
availableForWithdrawal | decimal | The amount that is available to withdraw |
type | string | "exchange" |
Get Notional Balances
This will show the available balances in the supported currencies as well as the notional value in the currency specified.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have balances:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/notionalbalances/usd"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/notionalbalances/:currency" where :currency is a supported three-letter fiat currency code, e.g. usd or gbp . |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
An array of elements, with one block per currency
JSON response
"currency": "BTC",
"amount": "1154.62034001",
"amountNotional": "10386000.59",
"available": "1129.10517279",
"availableNotional": "10161000.71",
"availableForWithdrawal": "1129.10517279",
"availableForWithdrawalNotional": "10161000.71"
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "18722.79",
"amountNotional": "18722.79",
"available": "14481.62",
"availableNotional": "14481.62",
"availableForWithdrawal": "14481.62",
"availableForWithdrawalNotional": "14481.62"
"currency": "ETH",
"amount": "20124.50369697",
"amountNotional": "100621.31",
"available": "20124.50369697",
"availableNotional": "100621.31",
"availableForWithdrawal": "20124.50369697",
"availableForWithdrawalNotional": "100621.31"
Field | Type | Description |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The current balance |
amountNotional | decimal | Amount, in notional |
available | decimal | The amount that is available to trade |
availableNotional | decimal | Available, in notional |
availableForWithdrawal | decimal | The amount that is available to withdraw |
availableForWithdrawalNotional | decimal | AvailableForWithdrawal, in notional |
This endpoint shows deposits and withdrawals in the supported currencies. When deposits show as Advanced
or Complete
they are available for trading.
This endpoint does not currently show cancelled advances, returned outgoing wires or ACH transactions, or other exceptional transaction circumstances.
Fiat transfers between non-derivative and derivatives accounts are prohibited.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/transfers",
"currency": "BTC"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/transfers" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
currency | string | Optional. Currency code, see symbols |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. Only return transfers on or after this timestamp. See Data Types: Timestamps for more information. If not present, will show the most recent transfers. |
limit_transfers | integer | Optional. The maximum number of transfers to return. The default is 10 and the maximum is 50. |
account | string | Optional. Only required when using a master api-key. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
show_completed_deposit_advances | boolean | Optional. Whether to display completed deposit advances. False by default. Must be set True to activate. |
The response will be an array of JSON objects, sorted by timestamp, with the newest transfer events shown first. When including currency in the payload, the response will only include the specified symbol (e.g. btc
or doge
). Without currency in the payload, the response will include all transfers.
JSON response
"type": "Withdrawal",
"status": "Complete",
"timestampms": 1535451930431,
"eid": 341167014,
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "1.00",
"txHash": "7bffd85893ee8e72e31061a84d25c45f2c4537c2f765a1e79feb06a7294445c3",
"destination": "0xd24400ae8BfEBb18cA49Be86258a3C749cf46853"
JSON response
"purpose":"Administrative debit"
"purpose":"Fee reimbursement credit"
"purpose":"Administrative credit"
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Transfer type. Deposit , Withdrawal , or Reward . |
status | string | Transfer status. Advanced or Complete . |
timestampms | timestampms | The time of the transfer in milliseconds |
eid | integer | Transfer event id |
advanceEid | integer | Deposit advance event id |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The transfer amount |
feeAmount | decimal | The fee amount charged |
feeCurrency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
method | string | Optional. When currency is a fiat currency, the method field will attempt to supply ACH , Wire ,SEN , or CreditCard . If the transfer is an internal transfer between subaccounts the method field will return Internal . |
txHash | string | Optional. When currency is a cryptocurrency, supplies the transaction hash when available. |
withdrawalId | string | Optional. When currency is a cryptocurrency and type is Withdrawal , supplies the withdrawalId1. |
outputIdx | integer | Optional. When currency is a cryptocurrency, supplies the output index in the transaction when available. |
destination | string | Optional. When currency is a cryptocurrency, supplies the destination address when available. |
purpose | string | Optional. Administrative field used to supply a reason for certain types of advances. |
This endpoint shows trade detail and transactions. There is a continuation_token
that is a pagination token used for subsequent requests.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned and have the master account scope. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/transactions",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"timestamp_nanos": 1630382206000000000,
"limit": 50,
"continuation_token": "daccgrp_123421:n712621873886999872349872349:a71289723498273492374978424:m2:iForward"
Parameter | Type | Description |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/transactions" |
timestamp_nanos | timestamp | Optional. Only return transfers on or after this timestamp in nanos. If this is defined, do not define “continuation_token”. |
limit | integer | Optional. The maximum number of transfers to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 300. |
continuation_token | string | Optional. For subsequent requests, use the returned continuation_token value for next page. If this is defined, do not define “timestamp_nanos”. |
The response will be an array of JSON objects, sorted by trade and transfer as well as a continuationToken
to be used in subsequent requests.
JSON response
"results": [
"account": "primary",
"amount": "0.001",
"price": "1730.95",
"timestampms": 1659201465069,
"side": "SIDE_TYPE_BUY",
"isAggressor": true,
"feeAssetCode": "ETH",
"feeAmount": "0.000000000000000605",
"orderId": 73716687406755680,
"exchange": "Gemini Trust Co",
"isAuctionFill": false,
"isClearingFill": false,
"symbol": "ETHUSD",
"type": "trade"
"account": "primary",
"amount": "0.001",
"price": "1679.02",
"timestampms": 1659201465222,
"side": "SIDE_TYPE_SELL",
"isAggressor": true,
"feeAssetCode": "ETH",
"feeAmount": "0.00000000000000000587",
"orderId": 73716687406755680,
"exchange": "Gemini Trust Co",
"isAuctionFill": false,
"isClearingFill": false,
"symbol": "ETHUSD",
"type": "trade"
"continuationToken": "daccgrp_1500611:n7126218738869976937315434496:a7126216029949884380085223424:m2:iForward"
Trade Response
Field | Type | Description |
account | string | The account. |
amount | string | The quantity that was executed. |
price | string | The price that the execution happened at. |
timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade happened in milliseconds. |
side | string | Indicating the side of the original order. |
isAggressor | boolean | If true , this order was the taker in the trade. |
feeAssetCode | string | The symbol that the trade was for |
feeAmount | string | The fee amount charged |
orderId | long | The order that this trade executed against. |
exchange | string | Will always be "Gemini Trust Co". |
isAuctionFill | boolean | True if the trade was a auction trade and not an on-exchange trade. |
isClearingFill | boolean | True if the trade was a clearing trade and not an on-exchange trade. |
symbol | string | The symbol that the trade was for. |
Transfer Response
Field | Type | Description |
timestampms | timestampms | The time that the trade happened in milliseconds. |
source | string | The account you are transferring from. |
destination | string | The account you are transferring to. |
operationReason | string | The operation reason. |
status | string | The status of the transfer. |
eid | long | Transfer event id. |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | string | The quantity that was transferred. |
method | string | Type of transfer method. |
correlationId | long | Correlation ID. |
transferType | string | Transfer type. |
bankId | string | Optional. Bank ID. |
purpose | string | Optional. Purpose. |
transactionHash | string | Optional. Supplies the transaction hash when available. |
transferId | string | Optional. Transfer ID. |
withdrawalId | string | Optional. Withdrawal ID. |
clientTransferId | string | Optional. Client Transfer ID. Client transfer ID is an optional client-supplied unique identifier for each withdrawal or internal transfer. |
advanceEid | long | Optional. Deposit advance event ID. |
pendingEid | long | Optional. Pending event ID. |
withdrawalEid | long | Optional. Withdrawal event ID. |
feeId | string | Optional. Fee ID. |
Custody Account Fees
This endpoint shows Custody fee records in the supported currencies.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have history:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/custodyaccountfees"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/custodyaccountfees" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. Only return Custody fee records on or after this timestamp. See Data Types: Timestamps for more information. If not present, will show the most recent Custody fees. |
limit_transfers | integer | Optional. The maximum number of Custody fee records to return. The default is 10 and the maximum is 50. |
account | string | Optional. Only required when using a master api-key. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
The response will be an array of JSON objects, sorted by timestamp, with the newest Custody fee record shown first.
"txTime": 1657236174056,
"feeAmount": "10",
"feeCurrency": "BTC",
"eid": 256627,
"eventType": "Withdrawal"
"txTime": 1652279045196,
"feeAmount": "10000000",
"feeCurrency": "ETH",
"eid": 15364,
"eventType": "CustodyFeeDebit"
"txTime": 1652279025196,
"feeAmount": "1850",
"feeCurrency": "WFIL",
"eid": 9016,
"eventType": "RiaFeeDebit"
"txTime": 1652279025196,
"feeAmount": "1850",
"feeCurrency": "WFIL",
"eid": 9016,
"eventType": "RiaFeeCredit"
Field | Type | Description |
txTime | timestampms | Time of Custody fee record in milliseconds |
feeAmount | string | The fee amount charged |
feeCurrency | string | Currency that the fee was paid in |
eid | integer | Custody fee event id |
eventType | string | Custody fee event type |
Get Deposit Addresses
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have addresses:read
or addresses:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload to return Bitcoin addresses
"request" : "/v1/addresses/bitcoin",
"nonce" : <nonce>
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/addresses/:network where :network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
timestamp | timestampms | Optional. Only returns addresses created on or after this timestamp. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account to return deposit addresses for |
Get Bitcoin deposit addresses response
"address" : "n2saq73aDTu42bRgEHd8gd4to1gCzHxrdj",
"timestamp" : 1424285102000,
"label" : "my bitcoin address"
"address" : "n2wpl14aJEu10bRgMNd0gdjH8dHJ3h2a3ks",
"timestamp" : 1824785101000
An array of objects with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | String representation of the new cryptocurrency address. |
timestamp | timestampms | Creation date of the address. |
label | string | Optional. if you provided a label when creating the address, it will be echoed back here. |
memo | string | Optional. it would be present if applicable, it will be present for cosmos address. |
New Deposit Address
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Fund Manager role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have addresses:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload for BTC address generation
"request" : "/v1/deposit/bitcoin/newAddress",
"nonce" : <nonce>,
"label" : "optional test label"
Sample payload for legacy LTC address generation
"request": "/v1/deposit/litecoin/newAddress",
"nonce" : <nonce>,
"label" : "LTC legacy deposit address",
"legacy" : True
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/deposit/:network/newAddress where :network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
label | string | Optional. Label for the deposit address |
legacy | boolean | Optional. Whether to generate a legacy P2SH-P2PKH litecoin address. False by default. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account that will have the new deposit address. Only available for exchange accounts. |
New BTC deposit address response
"network" : "bitcoin",
"address" : "n2saq73aDTu42bRgEHd8gd4to1gCzHxrdj",
"label" : "optional test label"
New LTC deposit address response
"network" : "litecoin",
"address" : "MJRSgZ3UUFcTBTBAcN38XAXvZLwRe8WVw7",
"label" : "LTC legacy deposit address"
An object with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
request | string | The string network where network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
address | string | String representation of the new cryptocurrency address. |
label | string | Optional. if you provided a label when requesting the address, it will be echoed back here. |
memo | string | Optional. it will be included if aplicable. Cosmos addresses will include a memo. |
Withdraw Crypto Funds
Before you can withdraw cryptocurrency funds to an approved address, you need three things:
- You must have an approved address list for your account
- The address you want to withdraw funds to needs to already be on that approved address list
- An API key with the Fund Manager role added
If you would like to withdraw via API to addresses that are not on your approved address list, please reach out to We can enable this feature for you provide a set of approved IP addresses. This functionality is only available for exchange accounts. Pre-approved IP addresses and addresses added to your approved address list are required to enable withdrawal APIs for custody accounts.
See Roles for more information on how to add the Fund Manager role to the API key you want to use.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Fund Manager role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have crypto:send
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload for BTC withdrawal
"nonce": <nonce>,
Sample payload for ETH withdrawal
"nonce": <nonce>,
where :currency
is a supported cryptocurrency, e.g. btc
or eth
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/withdraw/:currency where :currency is replaced with the currency code of a supported crypto-currency, e.g. btc , eth , aave , etc. See Symbols and minimums. |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
address | string | Standard string format of cryptocurrency address. |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to withdraw |
account | string | Optional. Only required when using a master api-key. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
memo | string | Optional. For addresses that require a memo |
clientTransferId | string | Optional. A unique identifier for the withdrawal, in uuid4 format |
JSON reponse for BTC withdrawal
"message":"You have requested a transfer of 1 BTC to mi98Z9brJ3TgaKsmvXatuRahbFRUFKRUdR. This withdrawal will be sent to the blockchain within the next 60 seconds."
JSON response for ETH withdrawal
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
An object with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
address | string | Standard string format of the withdrawal destination address. |
amount | string | The withdrawal amount. |
fee | string | The fee in kind applied to the transaction. |
withdrawalID | string | A unique ID for the withdrawal. |
message | string | A human-readable English string describing the withdrawal. |
Error when account does not have whitelists enabled
"message":"Cryptocurrency withdrawal address whitelists are not enabled for account 24. Please contact for information on setting up a withdrawal address whitelist."
Error when account has whitelists enabled but this specific address is not whitelisted
"message":"'moXiuoPh6oe2edoFQvxbyxQZgiYkNzjXZ9' is not a whitelisted BTC address. Please contact for information on adding addresses to your withdrawal whitelist."
Upon error, a response will contain details to help resolve the error as follows:
The response will contain the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | "error" |
reason | string | short description |
message | string | detailed error message |
Gas Fee Estimation
API users will not be aware of the transfer fees before starting the withdrawal process. This endpoint allows you to find out the estimated gas fees before you start a withdrawal.
The API key you use to access this endpoint can have the Trader, Fund Manager, Auditor, WealthManager or Administrator role assigned.
See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
where :currencyCodeLowerCase
is a supported cryptocurrency, e.g. eth
Sample payload for ETH withdrawal
"nonce": <nonce>,
"address": "0x31c2105b8dea834167f32f7ea7d877812e059230",
"account": ["primary"]
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/withdraw/{currencyCodeLowerCase}/feeEstimate where :currency is replaced with the currency code of a supported crypto-currency, e.g. eth , aave , etc. See Symbols and minimums. |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation. |
address | string | Standard string format of cryptocurrency address. |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to withdraw. |
account | string | The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
JSON response for ETH withdrawal
"currency": "ETH",
"fee": "{currency: 'ETH', value: '0'}",
"isOverride": false,
"monthlyLimit": 1,
"monthlyRemaining": 1
Upon a successful response, the system will return the following:
An object with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols. |
fee | {currency: string, value: string} | The estimated gas fee. |
isOverride | boolean | Value that shows if an override on the customer's account for free withdrawals exists. |
monthlyLimit | integer | Total nunber of allowable fee-free withdrawals. |
monthlyRemaining | integer | Total number of allowable fee-free withdrawals left to use. |
Error for an invalid exchange or non eth network currency
Error when the address is invalid
"message":"Ethereum address had too many or too few characters. Are you sure you typed or pasted it correctly?"
Upon error, a response will contain details to help resolve the error as follows:
The response will contain the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | "error" |
reason | string | short description |
message | string | detailed error message |
Internal Transfers
This API allows you to execute an internal transfer between any two accounts within your Master Group. In the scenario of exchange account to exchange account there will be no activity on a blockchain network. All other combinations will result in a movement of funds on a blockchain network.
Gemini Custody account withdrawals will not occur until the daily custody run occurs. In the case of funds moving from a Gemini Custody account to a Gemini Exchange account, the exchange account will get a precredit for the amount to be received. The exchange account will be able to trade these funds but will be unable to withdraw until the funds are processed on the blockchain and received.
Gemini Custody accounts request withdrawals to approved addresses in all cases and require the request to come from an approved IP address. Please reach out to to enable API withdrawals for custody accounts.
Gemini Custody accounts do not support fiat currency transfers.
Fiat transfers between non-derivative and derivatives accounts are prohibited.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must be a Master level key and have the Fund Manager role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload for BTC transfer
"nonce": <nonce>,
where :currency
is either a fiat currency, e.g. usd
or gbp
, or a supported crypto-currency, e.g. gusd
, btc
, eth
, aave
, etc.
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/account/transfer/:currency where :currency is replaced with either usd or a supported crypto-currency, e.g. gusd , btc , eth , aave , etc. See Symbols and minimums. |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
sourceAccount | string | Nickname of the account you are transferring from. Use the Get Accounts endpoint to get all account names in the group. |
targetAccount | string | Nickname of the account you are transferring to. Use the Get Accounts endpoint to get all account names in the group. |
amount | string | Quoted decimal amount to withdraw |
clientTransferId | string | Optional. A unique identifier for the internal transfer, in uuid4 format |
withdrawalId | string | Optional. Unique ID of the requested withdrawal. |
JSON reponse for BTC transfer
"amount": "1",
"message": "Success, transfer completed."
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
An object with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
fromAccount | string | Source account where funds are sent from |
toAccount | string | Target account to receive funds in the internal transfer |
amount | string | Quantity of assets being transferred |
fee | string | Fee taken for the transfer. Exchange account to exchange account transfers will always be free and will not be deducted from the free monthly transfer amount for that account. |
currency | string | Display Name. Can be Bitcoin , Ether , Zcash , Litecoin , Dollar , etc. |
withdrawalId | string | Excludes exchange to exchange. Unique ID of the requested withdrawal. |
uuid | string | Only for exchange to exchange. Unique ID of the completed transfer |
message | string | Message describing result of withdrawal. Will inform of success, failure, or pending blockchain transaction. |
txHash | string | Only for Ethereum network transfers. Excludes exchange to exchange transfers. Transaction hash for ethereum network transfer. |
Add Bank
The add bank API allows for banking information to be sent in via API. However, for the bank to be verified, you must still send in a wire for any amount from the bank account.
This API requires the FundManager role. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have banks:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload
"request": "/v1/payments/addbank",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"accountnumber": "account-number-string",
"routing": "routing-number-string",
"type": "checking",
"name": "Satoshi Nakamoto Checking"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/payments/addbank" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
accountnumber | string | Account number of bank account to be added |
routing | string | Routing number of bank account to be added |
type | string | Type of bank account to be added. Accepts checking or savings |
name | string | The name of the bank account as shown on your account statements |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
Sample Response
{"referenceId": "BankAccountRefId(18428)"}
Field | Type | Description |
referenceId | string | Reference ID for the new bank addition request. Once received, send in a wire from the requested bank account to verify it and enable withdrawals to that account. |
Add A Bank CAD
The add bank API allows for CAD banking information to be sent in via API. However, for the bank to be verified, you must still send in a wire for any amount from the bank account.
This API requires the FundManager role. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have banks:create
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload
"request": "/v1/payments/addbank/cad",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"swiftcode": "swift-code-string",
"accountnumber": "account-number-string",
"institutionnumber": "institution-number-string",
"branchnumber": "branch-number-string",
"type": "checking",
"name": "Satoshi Nakamoto Checking",
"account": "account-string"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/payments/addbank/cad" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
swiftcode | string | The account SWIFT code |
accountnumber | string | Account number of bank account to be added |
institutionnumber | string | Optional. The institution number of the account - optional but recommended. |
branchnnumber | string | Optional. The branch number - optional but recommended. |
type | string | Type of bank account to be added. Accepts checking or savings |
name | string | The name of the bank account as shown on your account statements |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
Sample Response
{"result": "OK"}
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | Status of the request. "OK" indicates the account has been created successfully. |
Payment Methods
The payments methods API will return data on balances in the account and linked banks.
The API key you use to access this endpoint can be either a Master or Account level key with any role assigned. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have banks:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload
"request": "/v1/payments/methods",
"account": "primary",
"nonce": <nonce>
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/payments/methods" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
JSON Response
"balances": [
"type": "exchange",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "50893484.26",
"available": "50889972.01",
"availableForWithdrawal": "50889972.01"
"banks": [
"bank": "Jpmorgan Chase Bank Checking - 1111",
"bankId": "97631a24-ca40-4277-b3d5-38c37673d029"
A JSON object containing balance and banking information.
Field | Type | Description |
balances | array | Array of JSON objects with available fiat currencies and their balances. |
-- type | string | Account type. Will always be exchange |
-- currency | string | Symbol for fiat balance. |
-- amount | string | Total account balance for currency. |
-- available | string | Total amount available for trading |
-- availableForWithdrawal | string | Total amount available for withdrawal |
banks | array | Array of JSON objects with banking information |
-- bank | string | Name of bank account |
-- bankId | string | Unique identifier for bank account |
Gemini Staking
To learn more about Staking, please visit
Get Staking Balances
This will show the available balance in Staking as well as the available balance for withdrawal.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/balances/staking |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
JSON response
"type": "Staking",
"currency": "MATIC",
"balance": 10,
"available": 0,
"availableForWithdrawal": 10,
"balanceByProvider": {
"62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d": {
"balance": 10
"type": "Staking",
"currency": "ETH",
"balance": 3,
"available": 0,
"availableForWithdrawal": 3,
"balanceByProvider": {
"62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d": {
"balance": 3
Response is a list of objects, one for each currency, with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | Staking |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
balance | decimal | The current Staking balance |
available | decimal | The amount that is available to trade |
availableForWithdrawal | decimal | The Staking amount that is available to redeem to exchange account |
balanceByProvider | JSON object | A nested JSON object of balances organized by provider |
-- balance | decimal | The current Staking balance per providerId |
Get Staking Rates
This will return the current Gemini Staking interest rates (in bps). When including the specific asset(s) in the request, the response will include the specific assets' (e.g. eth
, matic
) Staking rate. When not including the specific asset in the request, the response will include all Staking rates.
HTTP Request
JSON response
"62bb4d27-a9c8-4493-a737-d4fa33994f1f": {
"MATIC": {
"providerId": "62bb4d27-a9c8-4493-a737-d4fa33994f1f",
"rate": 429.386,
"apyPct": 4.39,
"ratePct": 4.29386,
"depositUsdLimit": 500000
"ETH": {
"providerId": "62bb4d27-a9c8-4493-a737-d4fa33994f1f",
"rate": 388.8325,
"apyPct": 3.96,
"ratePct": 3.888325,
"depositUsdLimit": 500000
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
A nested JSON object, organized by provider, then currency. Each object will have the following format:
Field | Type | Description |
providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format |
rate | int | Staking interest rate in bps (Expressed as a simple rate. Interest on Staking balances compounds daily. In mobile and web applications, APYs are derived from this rate and rounded to 1/10th of a percent.) |
apyPct | float | Staking interest APY (Expressed as a percentage derived from the rate and rounded to 1/10th of a percent.) |
ratePct | float | rate expressed as a percentage |
depositUsdLimit | int | Maximum new amount in USD notional of this crypto that can participate in Gemini Staking per account per month |
Get Staking Rewards
This will show the historical Staking reward payments and accrual.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/staking/rewards |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
since | string | In iso datetime with timezone format |
until | string | Optional. In iso datetime with timezone format, default to current time as of server time |
providerId | string | Optional. Borrower Id, in uuid4 format. providerId is accessible from the Staking rates response |
currency | string | Optional. Currency code, see symbols |
JSON response
"62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d": {
"MATIC": {
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "MATIC",
"accrualTotal": 0.103994,
"ratePeriods": [
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "MATIC",
"apyPct": 5.75,
"ratePct": 5.592369,
"numberOfAccruals": 1,
"accrualTotal": 0.0065678,
"firstAccrualAt": "2022-08-23T20:00:00.000Z",
"lastAccrualAt": "2022-08-23T20:00:00.000Z"
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "MATIC",
"apyPct": 5.2,
"ratePct": 5.073801,
"numberOfAccruals": 1,
"accrualTotal": 0.0037971687995651837,
"firstAccrualAt": "2022-10-28T20:00:00.000Z",
"lastAccrualAt": "2022-10-28T20:00:00.000Z"
"ETH": {
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "ETH",
"accrualTotal": 0.017999076209977,
"ratePeriods": [
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "ETH",
"apyPct": 0.66,
"ratePct": 0.65913408,
"numberOfAccruals": 1,
"accrualTotal": 0.00014802170517505,
"firstAccrualAt": "2022-11-02T20:00:00.000Z",
"lastAccrualAt": "2022-11-02T20:00:00.000Z"
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
A nested JSON object, organized by provider, then currency. Each object will have the following format:
Field | Type | Description |
providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
accrualTotal | decimal | The total accrual |
ratePeriods | array | Array of JSON objects with period accrual information |
-- providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId |
-- currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
-- apyPct | decimal | Staking reward rate expressed as an APY at time of accrual. Interest on Staking balances compounds daily based on the simple rate which is available from /v1/staking/rates/ |
-- numberOfAccruals | int | Number of accruals in the specific aggregate, typically one per day. If the rate is adjusted, new accruals are added. |
-- accrualTotal | decimal | The total accrual |
-- firstAccrualAt | string | Time of first accrual. In iso datetime with timezone format |
-- lastAccrualAt | string | Time of last accrual. In iso datetime with timezone format |
Get Staking History
This will show all staking deposits, redemptions and interest accruals.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Auditor role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string /v1/staking/history |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
since | timestampms | Optional. In iso datetime with timezone format. Defaults to the timestamp of the first deposit into Staking. |
until | timestampms | Optional. In iso datetime with timezone format, default to current time as of server time |
limit | integer | Optional. The maximum number of transactions to return. Default is 50, max is 500. |
providerId | string | Optional. Borrower Id, in uuid4 format. providerId is accessible from the Staking rates response |
currency | string | Optional. Currency code, see symbols |
interestOnly | boolean | Optional. Toggles whether to only return daily interest transactions. Defaults to false. |
sortAsc | boolean | Optional. Toggles whether to sort the transactions in ascending order by datetime. Defaults to false. |
JSON Response
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "MPZ7LDD8",
"transactionType": "Redeem",
"amountCurrency": "MATIC",
"amount": 20,
"dateTime": 1667418560153
"transactionId": "65QN4XM5",
"transactionType": "Deposit",
"amountCurrency": "MATIC",
"amount": 30,
"dateTime": 1667418287795
"transactionId": "YP22OK4P",
"transactionType": "Deposit",
"amountCurrency": "ETH",
"amount": 3,
"dateTime": 1667397368929
"transactionId": "TQN9OPN",
"transactionType": "Interest",
"amountCurrency": "MATIC",
"amount": 0.01,
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"priceAmount": 0.1,
"dateTime": 1667418287795
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
A nested JSON object, organized by provider. Each object will have the following format:
Field | Type | Description |
providerId | string | provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId |
transactionId | string | A unique identifier for the staking transaction |
transactionType | string | Can be any one of the following: Deposit , Redeem , Interest , RedeemPayment , AdminRedeem , AdminCreditAdjustment , AdminDebitAdjustment |
amountCurrency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The amount that is defined by the transactionType above |
priceCurrency | string | A supported three-letter fiat currency code, e.g. usd |
priceAmount | decimal | Current market price of the underlying token at the time of the reward |
dateTime | timestampms | The time of the transaction in milliseconds |
How to iterate through all transactions:
To retrieve your full Staking history walking backwards,
- Initial request:
to with a JSON payload includingsortAsc
set tofalse
and a limit key with value500
. - When you receive the list of Staking transactions, they will be sorted by
descending - so the last element in the list will have the lowesttimestamp
value. For this example, say that value isX
. - Create a second
request with a JSON payload including auntil
timestamp key with valueX-1
set tofalse
, and a limit key with value500
. - Take the last element of the list returned with lowest
and create a thirdPOST
request with a JSON payload including auntil
timestamp key with valueY-1
set to false, and alimit
key with value500
. - Continue creating
requests and retrieving Staking transactions until an empty list is returned.
Staking Deposits
Initiates Staking deposits.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string v1/staking/stake |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId is accessible from the Staking rates response |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The amount of currency to deposit |
JSON response
"transactionId": "65QN4XM5",
"providerId": "62b21e17-2534-4b9f-afcf-b7edb609dd8d",
"currency": "MATIC",
"amount": 30,
"rates": {
"rate": 540
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
Field | Type | Description |
transactionId | string | A unique identifier for the staking transaction |
providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The amount deposited |
accrualTotal | decimal | The total accrual |
rates | list | A JSON object including one or many rates. If more than one rate it would be an array of rates. |
-- rate | int | Staking interest rate in bps (Expressed as a simple rate. Interest on Staking balances compounds daily. In mobile and web applications, APYs are derived from this rate and rounded to 1/10th of a percent.) |
Staking Withdrawals
Initiates Staking withdrawals.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must have the Trader, Fund Manager or Trader role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The string v1/staking/unstake |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. |
providerId | string | Provider Id, in uuid4 format. providerId is accessible from the Staking rates response |
currency | string | Currency code, see symbols |
amount | decimal | The amount of currency to deposit |
JSON response
"transactionId": "MPZ7LDD8",
"amount": 20,
"amountPaidSoFar": 20,
"amountRemaining": 0,
"currency": "MATIC",
"requestInitiated": "2022-11-02T19:49:20.153Z"
Upon successful response, the system will return the following:
Field | Type | Description |
transactionId | string | A unique identifier for the staking transaction |
amount | decimal | The amount deposited |
amountPaidSoFar | decimal | The amount redeemed successfully |
amountRemaining | decimal | The amount pending to be redeemed |
requestInitiated | string | In iso datetime with timezone format |
Approved Address Endpoints
Gemini offers withdrawal address whitelisting to restrict withdrawals only to addresses on the list. Single-user accounts require a 7 day waiting period for addresses newly added to be approved, while multi-user accounts require dual control from 2 users for approval. The users must have the Fund Manager role to approve dual control address list additions. Please see roles for more information.
Approved address lists can be set at the account or group level.
Create an Address Request
Allows for creation of an approved address addition. Once the request is made, the 7 day waiting period will begin. Please note that all approved address requests are subject to the 7 day waiting period.
If you add an address using an account-scoped API key, then the address will be added to your account specific approved address list. If you use a master-scoped API key, the address will be added to your group-level approved address list unless you specify an account.
Please reach out to if you have any questions about approved addresses.
This API requires the FundManager role. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload for Address Addition for Account-level approved address list
"request": "/v1/approvedAddresses/ethereum/request",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"label": "api_added_ETH_address",
"account": "primary"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/approvedAddresses/:network/request" where :network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
address | string | A string of the address to be added to the approved address list. |
label | string | The label of the approved address. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to add the approved address. |
memo | string | Optional. it would be present if applicable, it will be present for cosmos address. |
Sample Response
"message": "Approved address addition is now waiting a 7-day approval hold before activation."
Field | Type | Description |
message | string | Upon successful request, the endpoint will return a string indicating the 7-day approval hold period has begun. |
View Approved Addresses
Allows viewing of Approved Address list.
This API can accept any role. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload to view Approved Address list
"request": "/v1/approvedAddresses/account/ethereum",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"account": "primary"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/approvedAddresses/account/:network" where :network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to view the approved address list. |
Sample Response for Ethereum Approved Address
"approvedAddresses": [
"network": "ethereum",
"scope": "account",
"label": "api_added_ETH_address",
"status": "pending-time",
"createdAt": "1602692572349",
"address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"network": "ethereum",
"scope": "group",
"label": "api_added_ETH_address",
"status": "pending-time",
"createdAt": "1602692542296",
"address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"network": "ethereum",
"scope": "group",
"label": "hardware_wallet",
"status": "active",
"createdAt": "1602087433270",
"address": "0xA63123350Acc8F5ee1b1fBd1A6717135e82dBd28"
"network": "ethereum",
"scope": "account",
"label": "hardware_wallet",
"status": "active",
"createdAt": "1602086832986",
"address": "0xA63123350Acc8F5ee1b1fBd1A6717135e82dBd28"
Field | Type | Description |
approvedAddresses | array | Array of approved addresses on both the account and group level. |
-- network | string | The network of the approved address. Network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
-- scope | string | Will return the scope of the address as either "account" or "group" |
-- label | string | The label assigned to the address |
-- status | string | The status of the address that will return as "active", "pending-time" or "pending-mua". The remaining time is exactly 7 days after the initial request. "pending-mua" is for multi-user accounts and will require another administator or fund manager on the account to approve the address. |
-- createdAt | string | UTC timestamp in millisecond of when the address was created. |
-- address | string | The address on the approved address list. |
Remove Addresses From Approved Address List
Allows for removal of active or time-pending addresses from the Approved Address list. Addresses that are pending approval from another user on the account cannot be removed via API.
This API requires the FundManager role. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload for Address Removal
"request": "/v1/approvedAddresses/ethereum/remove",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/approvedAddresses/:network/remove" where :network can be bitcoin , ethereum , bitcoincash , litecoin , zcash , filecoin , dogecoin , tezos , solana , polkadot , avalanche , cosmos , or xrpl |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
address | string | A string of the address to be removed from the approved address list. |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Specifies the account on which you intend to remove the approved address. |
Sample Response for removal of address from group approved address list
"message": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 removed from group pending-time approved addresses."
Field | Type | Description |
message | string | Upon successful request, the endpoint will return a string indicating the address and whether it was removed from the group-level or account-level approved address list. |
Account Administration Endpoints
Account Detail
The account API will return detail about the specific account requested such as users, country codes, etc.
The API key you use to access this endpoint can be either a Master or Account level key with any role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload
"request": "/v1/account",
"account": "primary",
"nonce": <nonce>
Sample Response
"account": {
"accountName": "Primary",
"shortName": "primary",
"type": "exchange",
"created": "1498245007981"
"users": [
"name": "Satoshi Nakamoto",
"lastSignIn": "2020-07-21T13:37:39.453Z",
"status": "Active",
"countryCode": "US",
"isVerified": true
"name": "Gemini Support",
"lastSignIn": "2018-07-11T20:04:36.073Z",
"status": "Suspended",
"countryCode": "US",
"isVerified": false
"memo_reference_code": "GEMPJBRDZ"
No fields are expected in the request, other than the request name and the nonce
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/account" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Optional. Required for Master API keys as described in Private API Invocation. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
A JSON object containing basic information about the requested account and its users
Field | Type | Description |
account | JSON object | Contains information on the requested account |
-- accountName | string | The name of the account provided upon creation. Will default to Primary |
-- shortName | string | Nickname of the specific account (will take the name given, remove all symbols, replace all " " with "-" and make letters lowercase) |
-- type | string | The type of account. Will return either exchange or custody |
-- created | timestampms | The timestamp of account creation, displayed as number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC. This will be transmitted as a JSON number |
users | array | Contains an array of JSON objects with user information for the requested account |
-- -- name | string | Full legal name of the user |
-- -- lastSignIn | string | Timestamp of the last sign for the user. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
-- -- status | string | Returns user status. Will inform of active users or otherwise not active |
-- -- countryCode | string | 2 Letter country code indicating residence of user. |
-- -- isVerified | bool | Returns verification status of user. |
memo_reference_code | string | Returns wire memo reference code for linked bank account. |
Create Account
A Master API key can create a new exchange account within the group. This API will return the name of your new account for use with the account
parameter in when using Master API keys to perform account level functions. Please see the example below
The API key you use to access this endpoint must be a Master level key and have the Administrator role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/account/create",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"name": "My Secondary Account",
"type": "exchange"
The request expects a nonce, and an account name
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/account/create" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
name | string | A unique name for the new account |
type | string | Optional. Either exchange or custody is accepted. Will generate an exchange account if exchange or parameter is missing. Will generate a custody account if custody |
An element containing basic information about the created account
Field | Type | Description |
account | string | Account reference string for use in APIs based off the provided name field |
type | string | Will return the type of account generated. exchange if an exchange account was created, custody if a custody account was created |
JSON response
"account": "my-secondary-account",
"type": "exchange"
Rename Account
A Master or Account level API key can rename an account within the group.
The API key you use to access this endpoint can be either a Master or Account level API key and must have the Administrator role assigned. See Roles for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"request": "/v1/account/rename",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"account": "my-exchange-account",
"newName": "My Exchange Account New Name",
"newAccount": "my-exchange-account-new-name"
The request expects a nonce, an account name, and a new account name or shortcode.
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/account/rename". |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Only required when using a master api-key. The shortname of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account shortnames from the account field returned by the Get Accounts endpoint. |
newName | string | Optional. A unique name for the new account. If not provided, name will not change. |
newAccount | string | Optional. A unique shortname for the new account. If not provided, shortname will not change. |
An element containing the updated name of the account.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | New name for the account based off the provided newName field. Only returned if newName was provided in the request. |
account | string | New shortname for the account based off the provided newAccount field. Only returned if newAccount was provided in the request. |
JSON response
"name": "My Exchange Account New Name",
"account": "my-exchange-account-new-name"
Get Accounts in Master Group
A Master API key can be used to get the accounts within the group. A maximum of 500 accounts can be listed in a single API call.
The API key you use to access this endpoint must be a Master level key. See Roles for more information.
The OAuth scope must have account:read
assigned to access this endpoint. See OAuth Scopes for more information.
HTTP Request
Sample Payload
"request": "/v1/account/list",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"limit_accounts": 100,
"timestamp": 1632485834721
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/account/list" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
limit_accounts | integer | Optional. The maximum number of accounts to return. Maximum and default values are both 500. |
timestamp | timestamp | Optional. Only return accounts created on or before the supplied timestamp. If not provided, the 500 most recently created accounts are returned. |
The response will be a JSON object containing all accounts within the master group
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the account provided upon creation. |
account | string | Nickname of the specific account (will take the name given, remove all symbols, replace all " " with "-" and make letters lowercase) |
type | string | Either "exchange" or "custody" depending on type of account |
counterparty_id | string | The Gemini clearing counterparty ID associated with the API key making the request. Will return None for custody accounts |
created | timestampms | The timestamp of account creation, displayed as number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC. This will be transmitted as a JSON number |
status | string | Either "open" or "closed" |
JSON response
"name": "Primary",
"account": "primary",
"type": "exchange",
"counterparty_id": "EMONNYXH",
"created": 1495127793000,
"status": "open"
"name": "My Custody Account",
"account": "my-custody-account",
"type": "custody",
"counterparty_id": None,
"created": 1565970772000,
"status": "open"
"name": "Other exchange account!",
"account": "other-exchange-account",
"type": "exchange",
"counterparty_id": "EMONNYXK",
"created": 1565970772000,
"status": "closed"
Using Master API Keys
Gemini supports sub-account functionality which allows users to create multiple Gemini accounts off of their primary account. Administrators on the primary account can create a master API key via API Settings on the Gemini web UI.
Master API keys can be used for any account level endpoint as well if the proper roles are assigned to it. For example, if a master API key has the Administrator and Fund Manager roles assigned, the key can be used to check balances, create new deposit addresses and withdraw. The master API key will need to pass the account
parameter in order to specify the account where the trade is placed.
HTTP Request
Sample payload for master API key - /v1/balances
"request": "/v1/balances",
"nonce": <nonce>,
"account": "primary"
This payload will be the same as the regular balances endpoint but includes the account
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/balances" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
account | string | Only required when using a master api-key. The name of the account within the subaccount group. Master API keys can get all account names using the Get Accounts endpoint. |
The response will be the same as using an account API key.
Session Endpoints
This will prevent a session from timing out and canceling orders if the require heartbeat flag has been set. Note that this is only required if no other private API requests have been made. The arrival of any message resets the heartbeat timer.
HTTP Request
Sample payload
"nonce": <nonce>,
"request": "/v1/heartbeat"
No fields are expected in this request other than the request name and the nonce
Parameter | Type | Description |
request | string | The literal string "/v1/heartbeat" |
nonce | integer or timestamp | The nonce, as described in Private API Invocation |
JSON response
"result": "ok"
The response will be a JSON object with a single field "result" with value "true"
Field | Type | Description |
result | string | "ok" |
Error Codes
If a response is in error, then the HTTP response code will be set to reflect this, and a JSON body will be returned that will contain information about the failure.
HTTP Error Codes
HTTP Status | Meaning |
200 | Request was successful |
30x | API entry point has moved, see Location: header. Most likely an http: to https: redirect. |
400 | Market not open, or the request was malformed; in the case of a private API request, missing or malformed Gemini private API authentication headers |
403 | The API key is missing the role necessary to access this private API endpoint |
404 | Unknown API entry point or Order not found |
406 | Insufficient Funds |
429 | Rate Limiting was applied |
500 | The server encountered an error |
502 | Technical issues are preventing the request from being satisfied |
503 | The exchange is down for maintenance |
Error payload
"result": "error",
"reason": "BadNonce",
"message": "Out-of-sequence nonce <1234> precedes previously used nonce <2345>"
In the event of an error, a non-200 error code will be returned, and the response body will be a json object with three fields:
, which will always be "error"reason
, which will be one of the strings listed in the table belowmessage
, a human-readable English string indicating additional error information.
Reason | Meaning |
ClientOrderIdTooLong | The Client Order ID must be under 100 characters |
ClientOrderIdMustBeString | The Client Order ID must be a string |
ConflictingOptions | New orders using a combination of order execution options are not supported |
ConflictingAccountName | The specified name is already in use within the master group |
EndpointMismatch | The request was submitted to an endpoint different than the one in the payload |
EndpointNotFound | No endpoint was specified |
GTSTradeIDMustBeString | The Clearing ID must be a string |
InsufficientFunds | The order was rejected because of insufficient funds |
InvalidJson | The JSON provided is invalid |
InvalidNonce | The nonce was not greater than the previously used nonce or was not within +/- 30 seconds of Unix Epoch timestamp |
InvalidOrderType | An unknown order type was provided |
InvalidPrice | For new orders, the price was invalid |
InvalidStopPrice | For new stop limit orders, the price was invalid |
InvalidStopPriceSell | For new stop limit sell orders, the "stop_price" price was lower than the "sell" price |
InvalidStopPriceBuy | For new stop limit buy orders, the "stop_price" price was greater than the "buy" price |
InvalidStopPriceRatio | For new stop limit orders, the "buy" or "sell" price was not within 50% of the "stop_price" |
InvalidQuantity | A negative or otherwise invalid quantity was specified |
InvalidSide | For new orders, and invalid side was specified |
InvalidSignature | The signature did not match the expected signature |
InvalidSymbol | An invalid symbol was specified |
InvalidTimestampInPayload | The JSON payload contained a timestamp parameter with an unsupported value. |
InvalidAccountName | The specified name did not match any accounts within the master group |
InvalidAccountType | The specified type did not match exchange or custody |
InvalidFundTransfer | The fund transfer was not successful |
Maintenance | The system is down for maintenance |
MarketNotOpen | The order was rejected because the market is not accepting new orders |
MissingAccountName | A required account name was not specified in a field requiring one |
MissingAccounts | A required account field was not specified |
MissingApikeyHeader | The X-GEMINI-APIKEY header was missing |
MissingOrderField | A required order_id field was not specified |
MissingRole | The API key used to access this endpoint does not have the required role assigned to it |
MissingPayloadHeader | The X-GEMINI-PAYLOAD header was missing |
MissingPayloadKey | The payload is missing a required key |
MissingSignatureHeader | The X-GEMINI-SIGNATURE header was missing |
MissingName | A required name field was not specified |
MissingNonce | A nonce was not provided in the payload. See Private API Invocation for more detail. |
MoreThanOneAccount | More than one account was specified on an API that only accepts a single account |
AccountClosed | Account account is closed and cannot be used for this operation. |
AccountsOnGroupOnlyApi | The account field was specified on a non-master API key |
AccountLimitExceeded | The account field specified more than the maximum supported accounts for that API |
NoAccountOfTypeRequired | The account field specified multiple accounts and some were not of the required account type |
AccountNotOfTypeRequired | The account specified in the account field was not of the required account type |
NotGroupApiCompatible | A master API key was used to invoke an account only API |
ExceededMaxAccountsInGroup | An account could not be created as the master group already has the maximum number of allowed accounts in it |
NoSSL | You must use HTTPS to access the API |
OptionsMustBeArray | The options parameter must be an array. |
OrderNotFound | The order specified was not found |
RateLimit | Requests were made too frequently. See Rate Limits below. |
System | We are experiencing technical issues |
UnsupportedOption | This order execution option is not supported. |
HasNotAgreedToCustodyTerms | The Group has not yet agreed to the Custody terms and conditions. Please visit to read the terms and conditions of custody accounts. |
BadAccountType | The type parameter must contain a string of either exchange or custody . |
RemoteAddressForbidden | Request received from an IP address that is not whitelisted under the group. |
Revision History
Date | Notes |
2015/10/05 | Initial REST API documentation |
2015/12/22 | Document sandbox usage |
2016/04/27 | Document marker-or-cancel and immediate-or-cancel order placement options. |
2016/05/31 | Add ETH to supported symbols |
2016/08/23 | New feature: auction documentation added to new order placement, public APIs, and streaming market data. |
2016/12/14 | New feature: API key roles, crypto deposit and withdrawal endpoints |
2017/02/08 | Better explanation of how Gemini rate limits public and private API requests; better client order id documentation |
2017/02/22 | Added recipe for retrieving full trade history from Get Past Trades endpoint |
2017/03/30 | Improved documentation for Get Past Trades and Get Available Balances |
2017/05/02 | Clarify how rate limits are applied. |
2017/05/15 | Better JSON examples for all the Order Status API endpoints |
2017/05/19 | API Change order status JSON changed to always include an options array with order execution options. If no order execution options were submitted with the original order, the array will be empty. Affected endpoints:
2017/05/22 | API Change bugfix to timestamp handing in POST requests. Previously a timestamp submitted as a string was silently ignored; timestamps submitted as strings will now be parsed. No timestamp request parameter will be silently discarded. Updated documentation at Data Types: Timestamps to reflect timestamp behavior in requests and responses.Affected endpoints: |
2017/05/31 | Added explanation about using limit orders with the immediate-or-cancel execution option instead of market orders to New Order endpoint |
2017/07/27 |
2017/11/30 | API Change clarify that only seven calendar days of data will be available through public API endpoints at Trade History and Auction History. Email for information about Gemini market data. Please note this seven day limit on retrieving historical data does not affect your private API endpoints Get Past Trades or Order Status. |
2017/12/01 | API Change added collar_price to Current Auction and Auction History |
2018/02/09 | API Change update API Error Codes |
2018/04/06 | New Feature: Document block trading support. |
2018/04/06 | New Feature: Document Transfers endpoint. |
2018/09/10 | Added Gemini dollar example to Transfers. |
2018/09/14 | Document new fill-or-kill order placement options. |
2019/03/01 | Document changes to Notional Volume |
2019/03/22 | Add Gemini Dollar section and detail changes to Withdrawals |
2019/05/31 | Add legacy parameter for LTC address generation |
2019/06/07 | Add documentation for ticker v2 and candles endpoints |
2019/08/08 | New Feature Documentation for Gemini Clearing functionality |
2019/08/16 | New Feature Documentation for Account Administration APIs and Group Level API keys |
2019/11/12 | New Feature Documentation for Stop Orders and Group->Master API key reference changes |
2019/11/18 | New Feature Updating Stop order documentation |
2020/03/05 | New Feature Documentation for Retrieving deposit addresses, Price Feed, and Notional Balances |
2020/04/09 | Documentation for new token support: BAT , DAI , LINK , OXT |
2020/07/23 | New Feature Documentation for Adding a Bank, Viewing Payment Methods and Account Detail |
2020/08/28 | Removing DAIBTC and DAIETH trading pairs |
2020/09/11 | Documentation for new token support: AMP , COMP , PAXG |
2020/09/24 | Documentation for new token support: MKR , ZRX , KNC , MANA , STORJ , SNX , CRV , BAL , UNI , REN , UMA , YFI |
2020/10/26 | Documentation for new fiat support: GBP and EUR |
2020/10/28 | New Feature Documentation for new Symbol Details endpoint. |
2021/01/28 | Documentation for new symbol support: BTCSGD and ETHSGD |
2021/02/23 | New Feature Documentation for Order Status now includes an optional include_trades parameter. |
2021/03/22 | Documentation for new token support: SKL , GRT , BNT , 1INCH , ENJ , LRC , SAND |
2021/04/08 | API Change Symbol Details endpoint has updated parameters |
2021/04/16 | API Change View Approved Addresses has changed from a GET to a POST HTTP request |
2021/04/27 | Documentation for new token support: CUBE , LPT , BOND , MATIC , INJ , SUSHI |
2021/05/05 | Documentation for new token support: DOGE |
2021/05/06 | New Feature Documentation for SEN Withdrawals |
2021/06/07 | API Change Added is_clearing_fill to Get Past Trades response |
2021/06/16 | Documentation for new token support: ALCX , MIR , FTM , ANKR |
2021/07/14 | Documentation for new token support: CTX |
2021/07/21 | Documentation for new token support: XTZ |
2021/08/06 | New Feature Documentation for Earn Balances, Earn Rates and Earn Interest |
2021/09/15 | Documentation for new token support: AXS , SLP , LUNA , UST , MCO2 |
2021/10/06 | New Feature Documentation for Wrap Order |
2021/11/13 | Documentation for new token support: WCFG , RARE , RAD , QNT , NMR , MASK , FET , ASH , AUDIO , API3 , USDC , SHIB |
2021/12/20 | Documentation for new token support: RNDR , MC , GALA , ENS , KP3R , CVC , ELON , MIM , SPELL |
2022/01/28 | New Feature Documentation for Earn History |
2022/02/01 | Documentation for new token support: TOKE , LDO , RLY |
2022/02/08 | API Change Added new parameter clientTransferId to Internal Transfers and Withdraw Crypto Funds |
2022/02/28 | Documentation for new token support: SOL |
2022/03/01 | Documentation for new token support: RAY , SBR |
2022/03/16 | Documentation for new token support: APE |
2022/03/29 | Documentation for new token support: RBN , FXS , DPI , LQTY , LUSD , FRAX , INDEX , MPL |
2022/04/26 | Documentation for new token support: GUSDSGD |
2022/04/27 | Documentation for new token support: METIS , QRDO , ZBC , CHZ , REVV , JAM , FIDA , GMT |
2022/05/17 | Documentation for new token support: GFI , ORCA |
2022/05/18 | New Feature Documentation for Clearing Order List, Clearing Broker List and Custody Account Fees |
2022/05/25 | New Feature Documentation for Adding A Bank CAD |
2022/06/01 | New Feature Documentation for Renaming an Account |
2022/06/07 | New Feature Documentation for FX Rates |
2022/06/14 | Documentation for new token support: ALI , TRU |
2022/06/14 | API Change Removed parameter client_order_id from the trades array of order-status |
2022/06/15 | New Feature Documentation for Gas Fee Estimation |
2022/06/15 | Documentation improvement to json example for Symbol Details |
2022/06/22 | Documentation for new token support: GUSDGBP |
2022/06/22 | API Change Adding since_tid parameter to Trade History |
2022/06/23 | Deprecating documentation for Auction and Block trading support |
2022/06/29 | API Change Adding symbol parameter to Get Notional Volume |
2022/07/06 | Documentation for new token support: DOT , ERN |
2022/08/01 | Documentation for new token support: GAL , EUL , SAMO |
2022/08/23 | Documentation for new token support: BICO , IMX , PLA , IOTX |
2022/09/07 | Documentation for new token support: BUSD |
2022/09/14 | New Feature Documentation for Transactions and Clearing Trades |
2022/10/03 | Remove Gemini Dollar section |
2022/10/11 | Documentation for new token support: AVAX |
2022/11/03 | New Feature Documentation for Gemini Staking |
2023/01/10 | Documentation for new token support: ATOM , USDT |
2023/01/19 | Updated json response for Transfers to include type:Reward and method:CreditCard . |
2023/05/09 | Documentation for new token support: PEPE |
2023/05/23 | Removed: Fund Management APIs -> SEN Withdrawals |
2023/05/29 | Updated /v1/order/status to specify orderId as negative |
2023/08/04 | Documentation for token delist: ENJ |
2023/08/10 | Documentation for new token support: XRP |
2023/09/11 | Documentation for new token support: HNT |
2023/09/18 | Removed Documentation for new token support: MPL , MC , METIS , RBN , GFI , LQTY , and LUSD |
2023/11/15 | Remove Documentation for delisted token: MIR , UST , FXS , FRAX , BUSD |
2024/02/06 | Documentation for new perps support XPR , SOL |
2024/02/29 | Documentation for new perps support MATIC , DOGE , LINK , AVAX , LTC , DOT |
2024/04/05 | Documentation for new perps support WIF |
2024/05/05 | Remove Documentation for delisted token: OXT-BTC ,OXT-ETH ,BAT-BTC ,BAT-ETH , BTC-DAI , ETH-DAI |
2024/09/18 | Documentation for new token support WIF |
2024/09/18 | API Change Remove Documentation for support /v1/balances/earn , /v1/earn/rates , /v1/earn/interest |
2024/09/20 | Remove Documentation for delisted token: LUNA ,SNX ,QRDO ,ZBC |
2024/11/04 | Documentation for new token support BONK , POPCAT , OP |
2024/11/15 | Documentation for new token support MOODENG |
2024/11/19 | Documentation for new token support PNUT , GOAT , MEW , BOME |
2024/11/27 | Documentation for new token support FLOKI , PYTH |
2024/12/10 | Documentation for new perps support SHIB , UNI , BCH |
2024/12/26 | Documentation for new token support CHILLGUY |
2025/01/21 | Documentation for new perps support TRUMP |
2025/01/28 | Remove Documentation for delisted token: LTCBCH , BCHETH ,BCHBTC |
2025/02/10 | Remove Documentation for delisted perps support MATIC |
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